
Thursday, April 11, 2013

Summary - BG 10.9 - Thursday Call with HG Shyamsundar Prabhu

"The thoughts of My pure devotees dwell in Me, their lives are fully devoted to My service, and they derive great satisfaction and bliss from always enlightening one another and conversing about Me."

This describes the characteristics of the pure devotee. When we come in contact with a great person we want to make a connection with him and try to attract him, please him. How can we do that? By offering our attention to him and by serving him. When we give our attention to somebody we care for them. Krishna loves all of us and how can we get his attention by service. There is absolutley no meaning of love if you don't do any service. Lust is you do something for my sense pleasure and love is doing service to them. So to understand Krishna's position is the most important.

This is a very nice progression of devotees when the pure devotees dwell in me and their service is devoted to his service and they get a lot of bliss by conversion with him. So serving Krishna is always such a blissful experience for everybody. When we engage in such a service to the lord, then one begins their journey to the highest platform what a living entity can reach.

Chaitanya mahaprabhu is instruction Rupa Goswami about the Bhakti-Lata seed - the living entity is traversing from one planet to another in search for joy. One rare soul begins fortunate to meet a pure devotee and gets a chance to serve him. And the pure devotee the Guru puts the seed of Bhakti-lata seed into the devotee and then the creeper starts growing and growing and it reaches Goloka Vrindavan where Krishna is residing and reaches Krishna's lotus feet. When the devotee waters the seed - it is hearing and chanting. With such regular hearing and chanting it produces the love of God.

This verse puts great emphasis on Sravanam and Kirtanam. This is the root of the 9 parts of Bhakti. Actually when we have full control of hearing and chanting then we give up the material covering.

Ex: Ghandi's 3 monkeys - don't hear anything bad, don't speak anything bad and don't see anything bad.

So one should choose one's hearing and chanting only by the pure devotee. Hearing and Chanting should be very carefully guarded and is the crux of Krishna conciousness.

In SB there is a very nice verse - "By dear Rajendra, in this material world, there are 100 and 1000s of subject matters for hearing and seeing, however, people who are blind to the ultimate truth have relish for them." This drains the life energy and is feeling suffocated by not talking about Krishna. If Krishna prem is dormant in the heart of a subject matter then they enjoy other matters other than Krishna. It is the transcendental subject matter to study about Krishna. It gives great joy to the heart - Why? Because scientifically we are part and parcels of Krishna and we are directly related to Krishna. Krishna is father and we are children. Right now only of - lust, anger, greed, power, - hence we are denying only things which aren't good for us. We are in denial.

When we hear about Krishna, we get rejunated about it. ex: When a mother is told about a child, she is all ears, same way when we talk about Krishna we get a lot of Joy. That is the power of Krishna katha. In such a state the devotee becomes purer.

Hence a pure devotee of Krishna is always conversing about Krishna. This is Vrindavan. The only talk going on 24 hrs was about Krishna. Mother yashoda - was only talking about Krishna all the time. When he wakes up at night terrified I need to give him a hug. Sometime I need to punish him, how can he be the Lord, he's my son. Gopis are talking about him. Gopas are talking about him everybody is talking about him.

Even in brhmasamhita all are talking about him. When SP was on the planet - hours and hours he was talking about Krishna.

Hence if we are talking about naything other than Krishna it is only for our sense pleasure about our lust, our pride, our anger etc - this results in pain and when the same energy is diverted to Krishna, then the same hearing and chanting will give us solace, peace, happiness and bliss and that is the only way to get to Krishna in this and the next life. Chant and be happy! The pure devotees and relishing hearing and chanting.

By chanting, reading, serving, you can start thinking about Krishna all the time and increase our talks about Krishna. ex- adopt a highway - adopt the highway to Krishna. - This is the outlook of a devotee he reads, hears, sees anything and is always thinking of Krishna and is constantly serving Krishna and engaged in him then you are seeing everything in relation to Krishna. You might be reading something ordinary yet you might have a powerful realization about Krishna. Because you have a strong sadhana. This will bring you to a powerful position of always thinking about Krishna and talking about him all the time. Hare Krishna!

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