
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 5 - Karma Yoga - Action in KC V1-12

3rd chapter = Karma Yoga - Krsna is primarly explaining person on the level of knowledge has no other work to perform. Here he explains we should be doing action only for Krsna. Karma yoga is work connected only for Krsna. Bhakti yoga is easier than sankhya yoga. Sankhya yoga is very difficult.

When you work in KC you can get purified. In the end He glorified knowledge and renunciation. In the end He asked Arjuna to fight. Arjuna thought renunciation means to avoid all work and hence He thought OK - I shouldn't fight. Acting in KC was actually working with akarma - which is like inaction. Action in inaction

Nishkaam karma yoga - No desire for the fruit of your activities.
V1- SP discusses the chapters. Chapter 3, 4 etc. Arjuna got confused!  In the Third Chapter, it was explained that a person who is situated on the platform of knowledge no longer has any duties to perform. And in the Fourth Chapter the Lord told Arjuna that all kinds of sacrificial work culminate in knowledge. However, at the end of the Fourth Chapter, the Lord advised Arjuna to wake up and fight, being situated in perfect knowledge. Therefore, by simultaneously stressing the importance of both work in devotion and inaction in knowledge, Kṛṣṇa has perplexed Arjuna and confused his determination. It was Krsna's plan so we could discuss further about the Transcendental knowledge. We should work in renunciation - don't be attached to the results of the work, do it all for pleasure of Krsna. One in knowledge should always work.

V2- Renunciation of work and working in devotion is good for liberation, but work in devotion (Karma Yoga) is better than someone taking sanyasa. Whenever we want something for us then there is karma. Whenever we do something for Krsna then there is no bondage. One is considered to be a failure in life as long as he makes no inquiry about his real identity. One must develop a love for devotional service to Vāsudeva. Only then can one have the opportunity to get out of the bondage of material existence. Soul is always active, the nature of the soul is to serve hence it's always active. Action in KC is truly different as it is different from the fruitive platform. It strengthens our real understandin of what Krsna's real desire is to please Krsna. If we do the activities for Krsna then we get purified. Our desire to enjoy material things gets destroyed hence this is much better than just mere renunciateion of our activities. Rupa Gosvami says - NOD- Not phalgu vairagya but yukt variragya - everything belongs to Krsna -  Renunciation is complete when it is in the knowledge that everything in existence belongs to the Lord and that no one should claim proprietorship over anything. One should understand that, factually, nothing belongs to anyone. Then where is the question of renunciation? One who knows that everything is Kṛṣṇa’s property is always situated in renunciation. Working in renunciation strengthens one's knowledge.

V3 - When working in devotion then we are truly renounced. That is the meaning of sanyasi. We are using everything for the service of Krsna. He feels neither hatred nor desire for the results of his actions.Only cares about the pleasure of Krsna.

V4-5 - Both Karma yoga and sanyasa are the same. Both of them have the same conclusion. SP text 4 purport - The goal is to find the soul of existence = Visnu. Because both of them the goal is renunciation and connecting everything for Krsna's pleasure. ex - drop the rock to pick up the axe. Same way to take spiritual condition one has to drop the material conditions first. But karma yoga allows us to do both at the same time when we work for the pleasure of Krsna, automatically we aren't working for our sense pleasures. Karma yoga is the better way to achieve the goal. When we do Nishkam karma yoga - work in knowledge that we are eternal servants and are only to please Krsna in the faith that this process will cleanse our heart - automatically we are in renunciation. How do we get purified - when we renounce the fruits of our activities. Otherwise we are forced to enjoy the fruits of the activities.

V6-  Just by mere renouncing and not engaging in devotional service can't make us happy. V nice purport. Draw a table/chart and there are 12 differences between Vaisnava sanyasis vs mayavadi sanyasis so far from V1-6.

v7- Describes the consciousness of a person who works in karma yoga or in devotional service. Now Arjuna understands that he is only following the instructions of Krsna and not doing the activities.

V8/9 - Spirit soul is always aloof from the material modes of nature. We are not the bodies and only the senses are actually in contact with the material modes. Even if the bodies are engaged in various activities - eating, sleeping, etc - still the soul is not interested in all these kinds of activities. The soul wants to use the body so they can serve Krsna. The soul himself isn't eating. So please allow only activities which are really required by the body - sex not required. Eating is required to get energy, sleeping, I'm doing all this to only serve Krsna. KC person is never. seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, eating, moving about, sleeping and breathing.  he appears to be acting with his body and senses, he is always conscious of his actual position, which is spiritual engagement. In material consciousness, the senses are engaged in sense gratification, but in Kṛṣṇa consciousness the senses are engaged in the satisfaction of Kṛṣṇa’s senses. Therefore, the Kṛṣṇa conscious person is always free, even though he appears to be engaged in affairs of the senses. He is doing everything like I need to sleep so I can wake up early to chant and serve Krsna. I need to accept prasadam so I can get energy to serve Krsna. When we are doing everything for Krsna then we aren't getting any karma.

V10 - When in knowledge, then our duty can be done with detachment. He will see his body acting. Soul is aloof from the material body. I'm using this body to serve Krsna. I have to do it for the Lord. The work he does hence remains free from karma or sins. Such a person is like a lotus leaf. Even if you throws water on teh leaf, water just glides away from it. The water doesn't stick.

V11 - Yogis work only for the purification of their atma. To get intelligence so we can be purify the mind. We should look at our GM how they do this. Please read purport. Jivan mukta - A person acting in Kṛṣṇa consciousness (or, in other words, in the service of Kṛṣṇa) with his body, mind, intelligence and words is a liberated person even within the material world, although he may be engaged in many so-called material activities

V12 - A person in KC, is always attached to Krsna and a material person is attached to the results of our activities (even if we are initiated we should be very careful about this). We should always try to think how is my current job or work I'm doing pleasing Krsna. Everything I do, I should be able to please Krsna. Pure services, without attachment. When I cook for the Lord - it's on a transcendental level if we are always thinking hope Krsna likes this preparation, hope he accepts this preparation. Just like when we are trying to cook for our SM - we are always thinking hope he likes it, hope he takes more of it. Then you are on a transcendental level.  V12 IS THE summary of v7-11.

V13 Onwards who is doing it - Krsna or Paramatma etc.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Srila Prabhupada's Purport BG 3.37

The Supreme Personality of Godhead expanded Himself into many for His ever-increasing spiritual bliss, and the living entities are parts and parcels of this spiritual bliss. They also have partial independence, but by misuse of their independence, when the service attitude is transformed into the propensity for sense enjoyment, they come under the sway of lust. This material creation is created by the Lord to give facility to the conditioned souls to fulfill these lustful propensities, and when completely baffled by prolonged lustful activities, the living entities begin to inquire about their real position.

This inquiry is the beginning of the Vedānta-sūtras, wherein it is said, athāto brahma-jijñāsā: one should inquire into the Supreme. And the Supreme is defined inŚrīmad-Bhāgavatam as janmādy asya yato ’nvayād itarataś ca, or, “The origin of everything is the Supreme Brahman.” Therefore the origin of lust is also in the Supreme. If, therefore, lust is transformed into love for the Supreme, or transformed into Kṛṣṇa consciousness – or, in other words, desiring everything for Kṛṣṇa – then both lust and wrath can be spiritualized. Hanumān, the great servitor of Lord Rāma, exhibited his wrath by burning the golden city of Rāvaṇa, but by doing so he became the greatest devotee of the Lord. Here also, in Bhagavad-gītā, the Lord induces Arjuna to engage his wrath upon his enemies for the satisfaction of the Lord. Therefore, lust and wrath, when they are employed in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, become our friends instead of our enemies.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 4 V-19-30 by HG Radha Krsna prabhu

V19- 24: Two types of action - karma and akarma (don't produce any karma). Characteristics of someone working in transcendence. Qualities of one working in transcendence. In V19, Krsna highlights that such a person is working without any attachments and is detached from the fruits of work. He is not a person who is a controller, he is not the proprieter and only required the bare necessities. He is satisfied with whatever he gets and whatever happens during his activities, it doesn't make him stop his service. He is steady. Such a person is free from envy. He is not affected by the modes of material nature and is situated in transcendental understanding. When he works with knowledge he gets transcendental understanding. Ultimately he will go back to Godhead.

20, 21 - Describes sadhaka stage - how to statisfy and not over endeavoring for stuff.
21-22 - Perfectional stage - Very highly edvanced devotee is described. And is greedy for Krsna's service. Not interested outside of his service.
23- Sacrifices for the pleasure of the Lord. Performs different kinds of sacrifices for the Lord.
He is always connected to Krsna.
21- Sense of proprietership is all cleared when performing work in knowledge. Just need basic necessities and nothing else.
23, 24 - SP talks about from the beg hos is it to be working in KC. When in KC, the 3 modes don't affect him any more.
Yajna - whatever we do activities for the pleasure of Krsna - chanting, cooking, working - these are all activities for the sake of Krsna. When we perform activites for Krsna then we are doing act of sacrifice. Different varieties of sacrifice.
Knowing Transcendental knowledge if very important - we understand our relationship with Krsna.
24- Being in KC - everything he is in KC. Everything is absolute for the pleasure of abolute of the brahman. Samdadhi - when we attain samandhi.

v25 - Listen to recording after this...

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Jagai and Madhai - Nityananda Triyodasi

If you want to get the mercy of Radha Krsna, you need to get the mercy of Mahaprabhu. To get the mercy of Mahaprabhu we need to get the mercy of Nityananda prabhu. To get the mercy of Nityananda prabhu we need to follow and serve Srila Prabhupada's mission. And what is that which pleases Srila Prabhupada a lot - going door to door preaching and distributing his books along with developing the mood of never criticizing others "adosha darshi". Chanting the holy name, giving the holy name to others.