
Thursday, April 25, 2013

Summary 10.10 and 10.11

BG 10.10 - By Vrindavan Das Prabhuji

"To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me."

The important thing is to be constantly devoted. The more we are devoted to Krishna the more we will be purified.
example of well and rope - Constantly if you keep trying, you will come out of this material life.
example of chanting the hare krishna mantra - all are chanting the same mantra but everybody has different realizations.

just need love and service of Krishna - need to hanker for krishna just like gopis were hankering for krishna. make your desire better because Krishna is in your heart and the real desire is to serve Krishna. story of  getting the medicine of gopi chandan - dust of the lotus feet of gopis - that's why krishna has a tilak. And the gopis just love him as Krishna not as the supreme lord.

We should never think that we have achieved everything by Krishna conciousness and we feel we have become a pure devotee but does Krishna think we are a pure devotee hence we should always keep constantly devotion to Krishna. So even pure souls keep serving all the time to Krishna. ex tukaram maharaj - Krishna gives you free will to love him as much as he loves you.Don't give me anything in this world because that will give me attachment to maya and hence I'm lamenting even if you are giving me. Hence never feel you are a pure devotee and hence keep on chanting in the mood that I'm sinful.

Summary 10.11:
"To show them special mercy, I, dwelling in their hearts, destroy with the shining lamp of knowledge the darkness born of ignorance."

Everyone who is born is born in the darkness of this material world. And to uplift ourselves from this darkness, one needs knowledge and this knowledge is ultimately provided by Krishna. This material world or maya is compared to darkness. As opposed to that, Krishna is compared to Sun. The darkness is completely dissipated. When there is Krishna, the illusory energy, darkness is simply dissipated by his presence. So Krishna makes this promise to those devotees who are constantly engaged in Krishna Consciousness, Krishna says that he personally destroys the darkness of ignorance by the lamp of shining knowledge.

Krishna is explaining it very clearly that the act of devotional service takes priority over any other practice. Here again, Krishna is clearly saying that if someone is constantly in KC, even if he's an illiterate, a shudra a lower person, still Krishna says I will give them knowledge dwelling in their hearts. From this perspective, a devotee is put in a beautiful position to get all the knowledge by Krishna's mercy. He not only gives guidance, but also destroys this darkness of ignorance. Visvanath Chakravati Thakur says this is due to our past sinful karma, it creates a cycle of wall of ignorance.This wall is a hindrance for anyone who is trying to be purified and come to the spiritual platform. It is very challenging to break this wall similar to person with disease can't taste sweet.

Krishna is saying I will personally help my devotee to break this wall who is sincere in his devotional service. One example - Sometimes we feel that we need to have qualifications to do so many things, but there is no qualification needed to be sincere in your practice of dev service.

Ex - Chaitanya mahaprabhu during his south India tour came to a brahmana who was illiterate other than the other brahamana who were very qualified. But everyday he tried to read the BG sincerely.  When Mahaprabhu saw this, he approached him and asked what are you doing here. Brahmana said my spiritual master has instructed me to read the BG everyday and I'm trying to follow his instructions. But why are you crying. He said, I'm illiterate and I can't read but everytime I open it, I get the picture of my Lord as parthasarthy who has become a charioteer of his devotee and how merciful and great my Lord his that he has become a parthasarthy of my devotee. But the Lord from the core of his heart revleaed to him the deep esoteric meaning of BG. When the devotee is sincewre, Krishna will help you. Without Krishna you can't understand anything, only by his and Guru's mercy you can.

The yogis, the munis are trying to meditate on the supreme personality of the Godhead for millions of years, but they aren't able to reach Krishna - Why? Because Krishna can't be approached like that. He can only be approached, only when Krishna reveals himself. He isn't anybody's order supplier. He isn't anybody's servant. It is only when we please Krishna that he decides to reveal himself.

Story - Sabri - She was born in a very difficult circumstance and her fam very dog eaters. She left them at a very early age and came under the guidance of matanga rishi. She did tapasya for 80 years to meet Sri Rama and then Sri Rama came as Krishna always reciprocates. She immediately could recognize Sri Rama is the Supreme Lord. Sabri living with other brahmanas couldn't recognize them even though they were learned in their shastras they didn't know who was Sri Rama, Lakshman. But Sabri by her devotional service could recognize the Supreme Lord. Transcendental knowledge is given in the hear of the devotee through Guru and Shastra only when you are sincere in your devotional service.

Even if your heart is impure and covered with dust, if you chant the Hare Krishna maha mantra your heart will be cleansed and you will then get to sincere devotional service of pure chanting and hearing then you will be helped by Krishna. For such devotee, don't worry about material life, Krishna himself will take care of you, he will destroy all the ignorance and help you come to him and everything will be arranged.

They say anybody who reads this chatur sloki BG and meditates on it, KRISNA will help you know him. example - Govindbhasya - commentary by Visvanatha chakravathy thakur wrote the SB commentary by the grace of Govindji who helped him. Hence, if you follow the path laid down in the BG sincerely, you are sure to attain Krishna and Krishna will destroy the ignorance in your heart.

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