
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 3 V 22 - 43 by HG Radha Krsna Prabhuji

V22- There are so many people who want to follow Krsna and hence Krsna does prescribed duties even though he isn't supposed to do anything and no rule or regulations bind him. Otherwise common men would follow him as he is seen as an authority. Sometimes, he performed leelas so he could show miracles to his devotees. He sometimes became a charioteer to show that sometimes you have to take the humble position and we need to follow these instructions.

V24: Here Krsna is counteracting Arjuna's argument about varna Sankara. Here Krsna is actually stating that if you actually don't do work and prescribed duties, the consequence is that it creates unwanted population. Hence, he tells Arjuna fight and perform your prescribed duties.

V25: Ignorant don't know what is good for them, but those who are learned or advanced they act in the same way as the ignorant but they aren't attached to the results. We shouldn't do it for our sense gratification but for Krsna's pleasure (Ex - cooking for Krsna, do it with cleanliness, purity and quality) Do it so we are competent to do devotional service but at the same time we do things which are normal but just for Krsna's pleasure.

V26: Krsna's point is ignorant man don't understand what is good for them but only thinking about their sense enjoyment. Learned men understand it is for the pleasure for Krsna. Detachment from Krsna can't take place, but engage people in the service of Krsna.

V27: We think we do all the activities by ourselves, but that isn't correct. The spirit soul sitting inside our body only desires and when we desire the Super soul in our heart makes the 3 modes of material nature to make those desires come to life. Our body is just an instrument to fulfill those desires by the Supersoul's mercy and the work is carried out by the 3 modes of material nature. Hence, just purify our desires and the Supersoul will help us achieve those desires for Krsna. Desire to serve Krsna purely.

V28: Detached worker - He knows what is work in devotion. He knows his DESIRE is for Krsna's satisfaction. In the purport - He understands to get out of this material world he needs to please Krsna. The only way he can attain true happiness is by performing devotional work and he won't be attached to the results of this material world. What does he do - He engages in KC activities and the more he does KC activities the less he is attracted to material desires. The more you do material activities the less you do KC activities. Hence purify your desires so the Supersoul sitting in our heart can help us achieve the goal of life in this lifetime to achieve LOVE of Krsna and Radha. Use this lifetime itself to reach Krsna.

V29: Krsna here is merciful so we don't disturb the ignorant of the work they are doing, as it will waste our time. We should just engage in our KC activities. But the devotees of Krsna understand the real mood of Krsna which is to unite everyone to him and they still take risks and preach to bring all of them favorably to Krsna. Our situation is like the guinea pig running on the wheel, the pig feels he's moving very fast and we feel the harder we work we can enjoy later but actually we aren't going anywhere. Another ex - donkey feels when I go home the master will give me grass but actually on the way there is so much grass. Same way when we chant, the holy name is everywhere, but we just need to be KC to eat it with greed and taste it.

V30: One verse in the BG which indicates the purpose of the BG - do it enthusiastically for Krsna. Very imp verse, we need to do our prescribed duty and all instructions our SM gives us.

V31: Without envy - envy of who; envy of Krsna. We are meant to serve Krsna. When Krsna expanded into the jiva souls, still we don't want to serve him even though he gave us life. We feel we can enjoy ourselves and that is our envy. The only way to get rid of envy is to serve that person and when you keep serving someone then you find that this person is very nice. Just like SM - As you keep serving your SM, you notice that your love and relationship with your GM grows and you also notice your love for other devotees also grows. Otherwise envy will make you suffer a lot and won't allow you to progress at all. Even in the most difficult situation we should never give up faith for Krsna and association with devotees and your Guru.

V32: What happens who doesn't have any faith? Have envy to Krsna what happens - Bereft of all knowledge,defooled and ruined of in their endeavors of perfection. We need to uproot this envy towards Krsna, if we have this envy, this Divyajnana will never be revealed to us. We will see all around us people are progressing and we are right there! Hence, we need to work very hard to fix our desires so the Supersoul can help us to be laser focussed only in pleasing Krsna and uproot this envy from within our heart. If we die in this type of situation, envying Krsna, Krsna will cast us into the lowest of life forms and we are perineally in this cycle of birth and death.

V33: When you have a particular nature and have some prescribed duty. Also we have a particular nature and we should study ourself so we understand our flaws to correct ourselves and also to understand our nature of work - so we can perform it to the best of our ability to please Krsna. Also the only way to cleanse our self is to perform service for Krsna. Apart from chanting we need to do physical service for Krsna, that is very important. Just theoretical knowledge won't help - it's not going to get us out of the material nature. Do our duties properly and also doing dev service, serving spiritual master, going out for book distribution, physical activity for Krsna (cooking, etc.) We have to be practising KC for a very long time and then Krsna gives us knowledge to understand Him to get out of these modes of material nature.

V34: We shouldn't be attached or averse to something, because if we are then our mind is always agitated thinking about it. We should be very equipoised in our discharge of our duties and not be attached or averse, just perform your duty for the pleasure of Krsna.  Sense gratifications makes us identify with the material body and we feel that we are in control. Hence we should follow the rules and regulations so we can curb our senses and don't go astray. We need to be careful, as even when we are careful there may be mistakes. We should feel, even if I don't go back to Krsna, we serve someone who is doing really well so they can go back to Krsna. If we develop this kind of attitude, Krsna will have mercy on us and help us to grow spiritually.

V35: This is always our tendency. When we are told to do something, we feel we can do something else better!!! That is sinful to do something else which aren't meant to do. Everyone has to cleanse his heart gradually and not abruptly. Even if we feel we can do some service we are not purified or not advanced to do that service, hence just do what GM has asked us to do and serve him well. The prescribed duties are just for us to help us in our spiritual journey. When we are told to do, we should admit that we can't do but still try to do it to the best of our ability and if we do it well, then the spiritual master will be very pleased to give us mercy.

V36: Why do we still do such activities which are sinful even though unwillingly.

V37: MEMORIZE THIS VERSE - Lust is the ultimate enemy. It is born out of the modes of passion. When we come into this material world, we are in this mode of passion and we then get lust to satisfy our senses. Lust means - very strong craving for something we desire even if we can't ever get it. We hanker it even though we can never get it. When lust isn't satisfied we can't get it, we get angry and therefore wrath is transformed into illusion and when illusion happens our intelligence falls down and then we again fall down and get entangled. A person can be very lusty and they can hide it, but wrath is when they become so angry that they must have some kind of lust in their heart. Lust is all devouring and it is very difficult to control it and that's why Krsna says that it is because of Lust that such activites that are even sinful are done by people. It is born out of contact of material. Anything which increases our mode of passion we should avoid - seeing, eating, smelling, touching etc - anything and everything we should very carefully avoid and don't try to get agitated.

v38: Different degrees of lust - 3 types of covering smoke and fire - consciousness of the living entity and is compared to living entities; mirror and dust - compared to birds and animals; embryo in the womb - reflected to the trees they can't do anything the embryo can't do anything; When lust is so strong, the knowledge is covered of the real truth. How can we get rid of these coverings - just by engaging in KC and devotional activities just to please Krsna activities. example - manigriva and kulavera were engaged in lusty activities and Narada muni helped them by cursing them as trees. We help the living entities by giving prasadam to these living entities to help them come out of these coverings. For ourselves, we should come out of these coverings by practicing KC activities carefully.

V39: Such kind of lust is never satisfied and it keeps burning like fire - Just to stop fire we need to stop giving it fuel we need to stop our lusty desires by just stopping giving fuel to these lusty desires. Just stop doing these activities + start doing KC activities so you start getting a higher taste so we can change our lusty desires. Sex enjoyment is the biggest enemy and how do we control this enemy? next verse

V40 - From 40 to 43 Krsna helps us understand how to conquer the sitting places of this lust. - Senses, mind and intelligence are all sitting places of lust. Mind has all kinds of ideas on how to enjoy senses. Intelligence is the next door neighbor, but because intelligence isn't pure, the mind and senses overcomes the intelligence - lusty intelligence is there. Then he gets addicted to this real kind of lusty desires! In the end of this purport he speaks how there are chains to bind us to this material world.

V41- How to attack them? 1. Curb the great sin - symbol of lust by regulating our senses 2. slay this destroyer of knowledge and self realization. Senses are the easiest to control, they are the weakest link how to control - vaidhi sadhana bhakti by rules and regulations control the senses and at the same time purify our knowledge by hearing and reading and chanting - listen to Guru, Sastra and classes. Practice regulations to control our senses.

V42: Soul is higher than intelligence. Lust is in the senses, mind and intelligence so we need to work on all the sitting place of these lusted. When you keep doing work for Krsna, mind is always thinking how to serve Krsna, how to do this particular type of work better for Krsna - mind is constantly engaged by thinking of Krsna - If, therefore, the soul is directly engaged with the Supreme, naturally all other subordinates, namely, the intelligence, mind and senses, will be automatically engaged. And as we improve our intelligence by listening and hearing then all the sitting places of lust can be cleansed - do vaidhi sadhana bhakti, do our duties to serve Krsna so mind is engaged in Krsna activities and improve intelligence by understanding the philosophy. Mind is like a child, if it finds something superior and better then it will like doing it hence try to engage ourselves in this kind of activity. Focus is - chant nicely, don't do vaishnava aparadha - this way we can control our senses and mind and we can use ourselves in the service of Krsna. Unless we control our mind we will fail - so try to develop a higher taste so the mind can take over to help us get good desires just for Krsna's pleasure. Soul is superior to all.

V43: We should understand the soul is higher than the intelligence, mind and senses and when we understand we are the soul and not this body only then can we destroy this lusty behavior. We need to have strong intelligence. Desire for overlording and for sense gratification is the greatest enemy of the conditioned soul; but by the strength of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one can control the material senses, the mind and the intelligence. One may not give up work and prescribed duties all of a sudden; but by gradually developing Kṛṣṇa consciousness, one can be situated in a transcendental position without being influenced by the material senses and the mind – by steady intelligence directed toward one’s pure identity. This is the sum total of this chapter. We are minute parts and parcels of Krsna and we are personal. We should be willing to be trained by the high intelligence by our spiritual master and authority - jsut follow his instructions.

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