
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Penning down "Realizations"

As Sri Krsnadas Kaviraj Gosvami states in CC, that he is attempting to write the pastimes and qualities of Mahaprabhu by the mercy of the Vaisnavas and Gurus. Whether he knows it or not, it is for his self purification that he is writing this book.

So that is the essence - don't write for any credit but only for your self-purification. Also, SP states in Adi 8.73 qualifications to write - "One must first become a pure devotee by following the strict regulative principles and chanting sixteen rounds daily, and when one thinks that he is actually on the Vaiṣṇava platform, he must then take permission from the spiritual master, and that permission must also be confirmed by Kṛṣṇa from within his heart. Then, if one is very sincere and pure, he can write transcendental literature, either prose or poetry." Also, Krsnadas Kaviraj Gosvami says that he is only the instrument but actually Sri Sri Madan Mohan was dictating and he was writing like a parrot. So in essence, I'm not writing, it's Krsna who is in my heart is giving me the knowledge to write these realizations.

I asked for permission from my Gurudev and he so mercifully instructed - "Please write your realizations regularly, everyday if possible, and practice giving good support to your statements with sastra."

Thank you so much Gurudev, I'm going to work on your instruction. Haribol!

Yesterday, we had HG Manu Dasa Prabhu from Vancouver, Canada visiting. He gave a wonderful class and some points which stuck with me were:

1. If you have knowledge but don't follow it - it's as good as not knowing. Ex- If you drive on the wrong side of the road even if you know that's wrong - what's the use it's as good as not knowing. And for your mistake you get a ticket or are in a collision.

2. Preaching is the essence. As SP has said - "Preaching is the essence, books are the basis, utility is the principle and purity is the force." HG Manu Dasa prabhu gave the example of a well. If the well's water isn't used it stagnates and if it's continuously used it depletes if it doesn't get new water coming in. Similarly, our knowledge in the subject matter is like water in the well - If we don't preach it stagnates and if we don't read then it depletes. Hence both are important - reading SP books, associate with devotees to keep getting knowledge and preaching to give to others.

3. We are greedy in this material world. Like a mirage maya keeps dangling the carrot in front of us. You buy a car, then you want another big car, then you want an SUV, then you want a .... keeps going on. We need to get out of this maya jaal and how can we come out?

4. Example of coming out of maya jaal was the fisherman's net. There was one fish who always escaped being caught in the maya jaal and the way he did it was to be at the feet of the fisherman and hence the jaal (net) never touched him. Similarly, we should always take the shelter of Krsna's lotus feet and if we do that then maya will never touch us.

5. We get what we deserve by Karma. So stop blaming anybody but yourself in the position you are.

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