
Thursday, August 15, 2013

BG 11.5 Summary

BG 11.5: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, O son of Pṛthā, see now My opulences, hundreds of thousands of varied divine and multicolored forms.

This chapter entitiled Univerasl form, Krsna is going to satisfy the desire of Arjuna. In the gradual progression of living entity trying to understand the manifestation of the supreme Lord, that means not everybody is not able to appreciate Krishna in the Universal form. The supreme lord can be understood in 3 features - paramatma, brahman, bhagavan. But those not at the platform of spiritual understanding for them something very practical (on the material platform) for them Universal form. The 5 koshas - 1. anmayi conciousness only perceive food, 2. pranamayi - living entities, 3. jyanamayi (nistha stage) , 4. vijyanamayi (ruchi stage) and then 5.anandamayi (Bhav/Prema) . So we can see Krsna through many ways, if we can't perceive Krsna through spiritual eyes, then Krsna being so merciful allows us to see him in the universal form which is available in everything around us. This is not maya but it is temporary as it doesn't exist in the spiritual world. Just as material world is manifested and unmanifested, same way Universal form is temporary feature of the Lord.

We want to connect to the supreme form of the Lord - the black Shyamasundar 2 handed form of Krsna. Constatnly we are meditating on that form why? because Krsna is constantly residing in Goloka Vrindavan in that form. The topmost idea is to surrender to Krsna. When we are surrendered to Krsna then that person has no debts because he has surrendered to Krsna and all previous sins are destroyed. Hence, we don't worship Krsna in universal form but at the same time everything you see around you we should remember the shyamsundar form thinking everything from Krsna and his personal feature.

Imp lessons from Retreat by HH Radhanath swami Maharaj: Absorption in our bhakti - Maharaj spoke 4 sessions.

1. Initiation lecture - the imp of initiation 2. Absorption in Bhakti the next 3.

How to be absorbed completely - 3 ways - Absorption means to surrender to Krsna so you can remember Krsna. Absorption means Responsibility. The first step is commitment and responsibility otherwise we can't be in bhakti. To engage in bhakti, the first thing we need to take is commitment so we are absorbed. For pratical devotees is that we should be responsiblity so that fixes our mind. Our mind then gets a goal and what is the goal is to SERVE KRSNA. when we have this goal then we are constantly thinking of KRsna as we are tyring to see in every step how we can be of service to Krsna. The whole idea of initiation is to be surrendered to our spiritual master so we are totally absorbed. When we have a task on hand for our spiritual master, we take is seriously and we have a deadline to finish. And not just finish it but to do it in a way to please Krsna.

2. sENCOND point is to be enthusiastic. Any service to Krsna is to be enthusiastic. If we are absorbed, we are enthusiastic and hence we will be in the mood of seva. Otherwise it becomes boring. Ex - our call - we are so enthusiastic to hear and share about Krsna. That is a sign of absorption. Sometimes we may not be enthusiastic, then we show entusiasm for Krsna not for our personal purposes.

3. 3rd point of absorption is APPRECIATION. We appreciate others. We see everybody as instruments in the hands of Krsna and by appreciation we are absorbed that everybody is connected to Krsna by having the right vaishnava ettiqutte. So please read this manual properly.

Sadhana, assoc of devotees and proper behavior are the 3 shields to protect us from the dangers of maya. These are the 3 factors which will help us progress spiritually. Goal is to please Krsna, Krsna's devotees and then get his prema. Only then can we get the nectar of devotional service.

And SP has given us a very nice way to be firmly fixed in bhakti by deity worship, chanting, assoc of devotees, service Gurudev and then slowly we move from neophyte stage to 2 and 3rd level of uttama adhikari and then go up the latter of devotional service so the aim is bhav bhakti.

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