
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 2 v40 - 54

Lecture link - please listen to the class for complete instructions -

39-53 Krsna says we need to perform dev service and perform duty.

V40: Nothing is lost or dimunished. Example given is Ajamila - earlier he was a very nice brahmachari in KC but was affected by sense gratification. But at the end of his life he was able to chant the name of Krsna - hence there was nothing lost! It is consistent in the vedic scriptures that if you have faith and serve the Lord, then there is no loss. Taking up KC, there is sureity of human birth and guaranteed to get a human life. Please MEMORIZE this verse and this helps to preach to people whey it is important to get into KC as there is no loss.

V41: MEMORIZE this also - This verse affected SP a lot and is very important to ISKCON devotees.Those who are on this path are resolute on this path. Reading this verse he was thinking about how he's going to spread KC all over. SP got affected by reading Visvanath Chakravarti's purport - where he says that both at the beginning stage and also in the perfectional stage all we need to do is follow our Spiritual Master's instruction and follow it.Don't accept anything else even in dreams. Just have faith in Krsna then you will understand that you have no obligations in the material world. Otherwise you have all kinds of obligations. If you are fully KC then you don't need to endeavor for fruitive activities. So how do we know this - we are not the body but are the soul and there is a goal for the soul. The only way is by serving the spiritual master.

V42-43: As people aren't very intelligent, they aren't able to follow the actual meaning of the vedas. They just take the sense enjoyment part of the vedas and hence aren't very intelligent. About 95% of the vedas only talk about Karma kanda aspect - how to lead a good life, how to enjoy life all according to scriptural injunctions. These are all knowledge but not knowledge to get out of life and death. Here Arjuna was attached to the sense gratification - as this was all temporary. They feel that after reading vedas they want to go to the heavenly planets and can enjoy so much sense enjoyment that's the goal they understand. But the real happiness is to transcend even all these heavenly sense enjoyments and go to Goloka Vrindavan. Hence such people are said to be ignorant.

V44: Memorize these verses. Immeditately we are able to understand why we aren't tasting the HOLY Name because we are so attached to the material world - bhogaaisvarya - we need to first allow Krsna to enjoy it as we are always in the service mood. It's not that Krsna needs it, he's self satisfied. His internal potency which gives pleasure is already within him but we need it - so we need to serve Krsna. Hence we aren't able to make progress as we are so attached to sense enjoyments - even subtle enjoyments - I'd like to see my son do this or do that - I want them to become the governor a banker, have attachemnts and hence we get bewildered. As we want to enjoy these kinds of things we aren't able to focus on the Holy name. This is the reason of our slowness in KC is because of our attachement to such sense enjoyment. To get something we need to give us something Tapa - It is all about determination. Austerity for the supreme Lord, for the Lord's pleasure. Even when doing CHAD, reading SB doing your daily activities - think it's because Krsna is so happy to hear his own glories that we are doing it to please Krsna.

V45: If you don't arise above the 3 modes of material nature, the fruitive activities then we will never be able to understand Krsna. He wants us to rise above the Karma kandas. When we dovetail to Krsna then we automatically rise above the material anxieties and we become dependent on the Lord and for his mercy and then we make amazing progress. Automatically Krsna takes care. Tolerate, the dualities of the material life. One has to learn to tolerate - happiness and distress, cold and hot etc. Sometimes we get sometimes we don't get - we need to tolerate either way and try to rise above this material world.

V46: VERY Important verse MEMORIZE. So just by chanting the Holy Name is much better than all kinds of activities. Even devotees are so many different kinds, but just by chanting the Holy name all of us are making progress. Even Mahaprabhu showed to Prakashananta saraswati the importance of chanting coming directly from his Spiritual master. Similarly SP, is showing us from the puroport that there isn't any need to read the vedas etc, just need to do devotional service and also chant the holy name.

V47: Famous verse - We need to understand that we aren't the cause of these results but just the instrument of doing this work. Purport is very important - 3 types of works -  please listen to the recording and read Burijana pr. explanation

V48- 50: Listen to the recording please as I didn't hear properly. Date of recording 11/25/14

V 51: A man performing dev service can get rid of the reactions even in this life!!!! So just by performing devotional service one can transcend this material world and all these miseries and enter into Goloka Vrindavan. Example even if you do all kinds of pious activities if you are in karma kanda you can still fall down example - king giving cows to the brahmanas was cursed as a lizard. So we need to know our constitutional position as an eternal soul and then we can serve him nicely. We shouldn't think that we are the same as the Supreme Lord, otherwise we also have to take birth and death over and over again. Once we realize that we are not the body then we become eligible to go back to Godhead.

V52-54 please listen to the lecture.

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