
Saturday, October 26, 2019

Sri Sri Radha Govindadev in Jaipur

When we enter the dhaam, the mood we should have is to serve the devotees and the dhaam. We are only here to serve the dhaam. Also, hear the glories of the Lord and the devotees of the Lord. Also, we should have enthusiasm in devotional service. Enthusiasm comes from the mercy of the Lord. Enthusiasm is very important for our devotional service. We should try to minimize the material attachments and desires.

After Lord Sri Krsna left from Prabhas Kshetra, Maharaja Yudishtir also left the world, at that time he coronated Maharaj Parikshit and also Maharaj Vrajanabh became king of Mathura. He wanted to install deities of Krishna everywhere. He sat under a Kalpa Vrksha tree and prayed to Radha and Krisha for mercy. By the mercy of the desire tree, he got the mercy of Radha and Krshna. He called Visvakarma for carving the deities.

Uttara when she saw the beautiful forms she explained.

Feet are exact in Sri Sri Radha Madanmohan Sambandha
Waist, chest, flute  are exact in Sri Sri Radha Govindadev  Abhideya
Smiling face of Sri Sri Radha Gopinath are perfectly revealed. Prayogana

Gauranga came to spread the love of Krsna to everyone and he asked Gosvamis to excavate the last places and important places of Krshna lila. Srila Rupa Gosvami searched everywhere for the deity of Sri Sri Radha Govindadev. He was sitting by the Yamuna sad and a small boy approached him and asked why he was sad. Rupa Gosvami explained he's searched for the deity. Boy said there is a very special place where a cow comes every afternoon and willingly lets her milk down and Radha Govindadeva keeps himself hid there. Then the boy personally took Rupa Gosvami there and then suddenly disappeared. Rupa Gosvami on coming back to conciousness immediately had tears in his eyes and then he revealed the desire of the Lord. Then he told the devotees to excavateand then there was a voice from the sky, that was the voice of Lord Balaram and then they dug very carefully and then they found the transcendental form of Sri Sri Radha Govindadev. Everyone chant!

Millions of people came to this hill. Even Lord Brahma and many demigods disguised to come and see Lord Govindadev. Rupa Gosvami immediately sent a letter to Gauranga. On receiving he was oversome with ecstacy. He couldn't believe the news. Kashishvar pandit personally was instructed to go to Vrindavan and personally serve Lord Govinda. He was the disciple of Ishwara puri or God brother of Gauranga. After Kashisvar Pandit and Govinda to render personal service to Gauranga Mahaprabhu who were his God brothers and hence Gauranga checked with Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya who said the orders of the spiritual master should be taken as our life and soul. As he had to leave Gauranga, Gauranga Mahaprabhu for the first time gave himself in a deity form Gaura Govinda by the power of the love of Kashishvar. He placed on the right side of Sri  Govindadev and he served both deities for the rest of his lives.

Radha Madanmohan and Govindadev appeared alone, the son of Maharaj Prataprudra wanted very much to have Radharani worshipped along with Madanmohan and Govindadev. Pujari had a dream where Radharani shared with him that the smaller deity was Her and the larger deity was Srimati Lalita Sakhi. Radharani was at the left of MadanMohan. When Puroshattamjana (son) also wanted to send a Radharani deity to Govindadev. Radharani appeared in the dream that in the Jagganath temple the deity of Laxmi is being worshipped as the concert of Jagannatha is actually me, Srimati Radharani, you should take that moorti to Vrindavan for Govindadev.

It is explained that long before this, Srimati Radharani came to Othkala in a village called Radhanagar, there was a brahmin who was a pure devotee Brhadbhanu, worshipped the form of this Radharani. He served Her like his own daughter, very devotional.In this way he spent his life in pure devotional service. This deity of Srimati Radharani went to Sri Govindadev.

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