
Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 4 V-19-30 by HG Radha Krsna prabhu

V19- 24: Two types of action - karma and akarma (don't produce any karma). Characteristics of someone working in transcendence. Qualities of one working in transcendence. In V19, Krsna highlights that such a person is working without any attachments and is detached from the fruits of work. He is not a person who is a controller, he is not the proprieter and only required the bare necessities. He is satisfied with whatever he gets and whatever happens during his activities, it doesn't make him stop his service. He is steady. Such a person is free from envy. He is not affected by the modes of material nature and is situated in transcendental understanding. When he works with knowledge he gets transcendental understanding. Ultimately he will go back to Godhead.

20, 21 - Describes sadhaka stage - how to statisfy and not over endeavoring for stuff.
21-22 - Perfectional stage - Very highly edvanced devotee is described. And is greedy for Krsna's service. Not interested outside of his service.
23- Sacrifices for the pleasure of the Lord. Performs different kinds of sacrifices for the Lord.
He is always connected to Krsna.
21- Sense of proprietership is all cleared when performing work in knowledge. Just need basic necessities and nothing else.
23, 24 - SP talks about from the beg hos is it to be working in KC. When in KC, the 3 modes don't affect him any more.
Yajna - whatever we do activities for the pleasure of Krsna - chanting, cooking, working - these are all activities for the sake of Krsna. When we perform activites for Krsna then we are doing act of sacrifice. Different varieties of sacrifice.
Knowing Transcendental knowledge if very important - we understand our relationship with Krsna.
24- Being in KC - everything he is in KC. Everything is absolute for the pleasure of abolute of the brahman. Samdadhi - when we attain samandhi.

v25 - Listen to recording after this...

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