
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 4 V14-18 By HG Radha Krishna Prabhu

V14 - Krsna is free from all fruitive activites. He is naturally transcendental. He is free from such things. Due to that, he isn't interested in varnasrama dharma. He created it so the living entities can fulfill their desires and also allows the living entities to get purified in the varnasrama dharma. It is not for Krsna but for living entities to fulfill their desires and also get purified at the same time. He just created this system. By Karma we place ourselves by different varna or asrama. Hence we can't blame Krsna for our situation. He is not interested in any material work. He is also not interested in the fruits of anything. He is atma Rama. ex - King is ruling the city. Thieves steal in the evening and we can't say Sun is responsible for the stealing. Similarly, Krsna is not responsible for our problems. Thieves steal because it's their nature.  Another ex is the rain - rain is not responsible for different types of vegetation that grows. Krsna is not partial to any living entity. He is neutral to everyone and just gives us a facility to enjoy our desires and also get purified so we can come back to Him. He is only partial to pure devotees - so try to become a pure devotee by following the rules and regulations, reading SB everyday, association of devotees, service attitude, etc. Only way for us to become transcendental is anything we do - if we are able to connect it with Krsna's pleasure. When we are working to please Krsna every sec then the laws of karma won't be able to catch up and then in time we shall be able to burn up all our sins. When Krsna is acting he is aloof from the material nature as he is transcendental. He isn't affected by material nature. He is enjoying with his own internal energy which is superior to the material nature.

v15- In ancient times they all performed their duties as a pleasure for Krsna. Same way we neeed to act in the varnasrama dharma. The cleansing process takes a while and it a gradual process. It frees one from the material contamination. Originally we think that enjoyment of the senses is the goal of life, but as soon as we come in KC we understand the real purpose is to work for Krsna, for his pleasure. We shouldn't have an escape attitude when things get difficult - no matter what, we continue to keep doing our prescribed duties to please Krsna. We should follow in the footsteps of previous disciples of Krsna, just like we need to follow our Gurudeva's instructions.

Karma - Acting according to scriptures. Karma kanda activities but on the material platform.
Vikarma- All activities not recommended in the Vedas or prohibited actions cause bad reactions. someone who is enjoying the fruits of their activities. against scriptures, one which are sinful.
Akarma- working only for KC.  Krsna karma activities. Additionally, for us, we should follow SP's instructions, GBC and leaders within our temple. Only doing spiritual activities in relationship with Krsna are called transcendental activities.

V17- Action = karma, Forbidden action = Vikarma, inaction = Akarma

V18 - Just substitute some words here
Inaction in action  - If we are KC and are acting. One who see "no karma in KC activieis" and
Action in Inaction - Karma in false renunciation is intelligent among men. (When we renounce falsely then we get some reaction)

If you want to eat something, we prepare if for Krsna and after offering we eat then we get no karma. so we get not karma in KC activities. or inaction in action. Then we can do so many activities just for the pleasure of Krsna.

Lots of people falsely renounce, but internally they are enjoying in their mind - thinking = willing = feeling! Hence we should purify this mind by doing KC activity. Reactions come only when we act on it. If we are not practicing properly we might fall down and get bad karma for themselves and only by good practice and association can we again come back. When you fall - don't give up, GET up!

For a neophyte devotee if there is fall down what do we do?

  1. We need to chat our rounds very very sincerely without any offenses
  2. Pray to Krsna that they help us not to fall down. Whenever we get those urges, he helps us to have a superior intelligence to avoid that offense. When we pray sincerely, Krsna himself will bless us.
  3. Try not to fuel those offenses - avoid contact with such things.
  4. Associate with devotees and read Krsna books so we can get attached to a higher taste 

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