
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Bhakti Shastri Chapter 2 v 50-72 (End of Chapter 2)

Memorize 50,51,52 - for exam - here Krsna is saying with these three verses, it will take his out of misery and raise him to Vaikunta and also there is no sin in doing work for Krsna.

V 50: By devotional service, one can ascend over the vedic reactions and just through dev service, we can go out of this life and death cycle. He also tell Arjuna that your sinful life item isn't valid and he breaks down that argument from v50 onwards. "A man engaged in dev service rids himself of karma even in this life. Therefore strive for yoga which is the art of all work" - If you have good or bad karma you still have to take birth in this material world, the process of dev service is a purifying process. It purifies the actions. It is a very important aspect of devotional service. If we are acting for Krsna we shouldn't be attached to the results. If we are attached to the results then we are bound to the material world. Simply renouncing our activities is like Jnana yogis, just by doing activities for Krsna we are not attached to the results of these activities as everything is being done for Krsna's pleasure. Ex - When using mercy by a Aryudevic doctor, they are able to purify it and is used as a medicine and it is actually very toxic.

V51: Continuing the emphasis of dev service in this verse by Krsna. Place of all liberated entities = Vaikunta. It is inclusive of all spiritual planets. padam padam yad vipadam - at every step there is difficulty in this material world. In this material world people are generally not happy. We have surges of happiness and surges of distress - most of the time we are miserable and not happy. In life we are miserable and happiness is the interruption of this misery. So what is the trick to void all this - just by devotional service. We are spirit soul and our constitution is to always serve Krsna. We are always meant to serve Krsna. The devotees understand their position and hence they take up devotional service in trying to please Krsna. As we serve in devotional service we realize that we are detached souls and hence we worship the Lord to guide us and then we become qualified to go back to Godhead. 

V52: Krsna's point here is that dense forest of delusion is the different vedic rituals described in the vedas. Just study books and take prasadam - just be doing these two activities Krsna helps us by giving knowledge and hence our devotional service becomes better. Neophytes (Neo = new) they need to take up sadhana bhakti (they need to follow rules and regulations) but we need to know the goal which is Krsna the Supreme Personality of Godhead - doing it as a service to please Krsna otherwise it is JUST A WASTE OF TIME. No ADVANCEMENT is done - just mouth goes on chanting but no cleansing happens - just a waste of time. So do every task to please Krsna. Moha Kalilam = is the dense forest of the Vedas. Persons in KC we transcend the limit of sabda brahma (range of Vedas and Upanisads)

V53: You will come into Samadhi or concentrated meditation is when you have crossed into this divine conciousness when you have realized your divine relationship with Krsna. When mind is always fixed in the trance of Krsna then you are in Samadhi. When we do dev service day in and day out properly and we are fallen souls who have forgotten Krsna then we can immediately feel that we should give up our attaction to these material things. We are practising devotees but we feel we are devotees! We aren't devotees yet, but only when every act, thought is only for Krsna's pleasure and 0only by dev service can we go to that level. Everyday we are seeing what all things are being offered to us by the material nature and in the same way we need to understand that we shouldn't be taking up unnecessary endeavors thinking that it will provide us what we need and only then we can do devotional service. Of course basic needs to be covered so we can start dev service. When we study our own lifestyles, on a day to day basis on all circumstances we are serving somebody - family members, boss - we are always serving, we are doing something to please the other person. Or we are trying to please ourselves. By studying this nature that we are always serving others or someone, that is our constitutional nature and hence we should understand that we are here to always serve the Lord - Serve Krsna. So the highest level is to realize that we are eternally the servant of Krsna and that is our only business! One way to do this is to do service - service at Temple, book distribution and by service we realize that that is our nature to always serve Krsna's mission. By performing such activites we directly come to Krsna directly. Just by following this and instructions of your spiritual master you can come directly to samadhi. This is a blessing of Krsna and SP says one is sure to achieve results by such activities and attain conclusive knowledge

V54-72: Discusses the Samadhi state and the sadhu who is in that state, Arjuna wants to know more about that sadhu's symptoms. Speech is the most important quality of a man, as soon as someone speaks we know who knowledgable a person is. Only speak of Krsna and matters relating to Him.

V54:  Questions from Arjuna - 1. How does he speak 2. Language 3. Sit and 4. Walk?

V55 - Generic qualities 56 - how he speaks 57,58 - how is he sitting and 60-72 how he walks.

From these characteristics we can look at other devotees and we can understand where each devotee is and we can look at ourselves to see how much advancement are we making!

V55 - General symptoms - Very nice thing Krsna says to Arjuna - We can all relate to this - due to our uncontrolled desires these are all artificial desires for our senses. Our mind tries in various ways to make us feel that we will be happy with different kinds of sense gratification - Mental Concoction! In our practice of chanting we see that all the anarthas come up - mind runs to something everyday we see our mind is doing something, anarthas are trying to come and stop our pure chanting. We need to see how we can check our mind to stop these anarthas and we can't, we should pray to Guru and Krsna to help us to stop these anarthas and chant purely. We try to do activities connected to Krsna and for pleasure of Guru, Krsna and devotees. By that our own senses will be dampened by the service to others. We can only curb our anarthas by doing service to other Vaishnavas because only by doing service can we dampen our own material sense desires - hence pray to Radharani to help us engage us in her service so when we serve then we lessen our own sense desires. Are we happy with what we are? Are we contented - just thinking about this answer can we figure out whether we are making tangible progress or not.

V56 - Sage of steady mind - Sthida dhih: when they are not disturbed in MIND even amidst all kinds of miseries of happiness then they are in samadhi because they only see Krsna and are not afraid of their lives. If they don't get anything they still aren't in anxiety. Such a person is fully KC. When we look inside we feel that we aren't advanced at all and book distribution helps us understand this as our false ego gets smashed. We are only instruments and don't take any credit. Success or no success a KC person is always steady in his determination.

V57- Same as 56, how does he speak - When we are mentally astute we understand that it is very difficult to live in this world. Due to KC we are on some extent on the path of purification and path back to Krsna. Our happiness is in the conciousness of whether he needs more, he needs less is he happy, is he cold, hot, does he need rest etc. When we are always looks to see how to please him then we are in Samadhi.

V58,59 (MEMORIZE) - Who is fixed in conciousenss - senses and mind - how does he sit? How is he controlling his senses and his mentality?  59 - How to control the sense of enjoyment by experiencing a higher taste. Just be restricting sense enjoyment isn't enough - we need to dovetail into a higher taste - When we feel this higher taste - kirtan, chanting, prasadam, service to Guru if we don't do these things properly we won't have such a sustained taste for Krsna. Such things are affecting our journey to Krsna. The person withdraws his senses from sense enjoyment and senses are like serpents. How much ever you give your senses enjoyment they are never satisfied. Hence they propose to the mind we want to do this what do you think. Mind thinks oh yes that was a good experience and when senses want to enjoy then they agitate the mind. But if our intelligence is strong then it can guide the mind that no that is not our goal of life and we are not the enjoyer but the enjoyed. Hence good intelligence should be higher than the mind. If we are practicing KC, we should be able to control the senses - HOW - by utilizing it only for the pleasure of Krsna's senses. How? By tasting the higher taste of transcendental lifestyles. Without a higher taste very hard to control our senses and this is another guide to see how we are making good tangible progress. This answer's Shilpa's question - are we making any progress or not? When we have a higher taste controlling senses is very easy but when we don't have a higher taste we lose and unbridled senses and a poor mind and intelligence makes us fall down! - Hence do your daily activities everyday and follow the daily activities very carefully.

V60- Krsna here says - this happens to all of us even to a man of discrimination who is endeavoring to control them. How do we experience higher taste everyday? Esp when we are working - solving some work problem? No - highest taste is when you see the deities in your temple. At the end of the day when you are able to appreciate the wonderful gifts Krsna has given you and honor prasadam with devotees and speak about good Krsna things only then we can curb our senses. Unless we develop KC completely we will never be able to control the senses. Great Yamunacharya - Whenever I think of sex life with a woman, my face at once turns from it and I spit at that thought - That is someone who is very fixed in KC. Maharaja Ambarish conquered the great yogi Durvasa - Durvasa muni when he came Maharaja Ambarish was Ekadasi fasting and when muni went to take his bath Maharaja drank water but waited to serve Durvasa muni and then Sudarshan chakra came out and drove Durvasa muni everywhere and then finally he came to ask for forgiveness from Maharaja Ambarish. 

V61: Man of steady intelligence - Highest yoga perfection is KC - Control one senses, mind and conciousness. If someone can do all this upon Krsna that is a man of steady intelligence. Maharaja Ambarish tolerated all kinds of distrubances and that is what a devotee does - just tolerate. Even between devotees we will have all kinds of disturbances and just tolerate. Learn to excuse devotees and tolerate all kinds of disturbances only for pleasing Krsna as they are all devotees of Krsna trying to please him as well. Mat paraha - How to become mat -parah in relation with Krsna how can we become always in the relation with Krsna. The senses can be completely controlled only by the strength of dev service to Krsna. We might have shortcomings but if our thoughts and acts are genuine then Krsna will himself help us to improve our service to Him. 

V62,63 - Please MEMORIZE - Show us how we fall down these are called the fall down verses can we used for preaching. Draw a chart of this. 
Contemplating the objects of senses - Someone you want to dominate, attracted to a beautiful girl, something you want to eat. When you start thinking of this day in and day out then you become attached. Hence contemplate on Krsna. Make him your object of Contemplation always think of Him.

When attachment like this happens so much that becomes Lust. But when you can't enjoy somehting that you have attachement so much and lust is not fulfilled anger arises!

When you become very angry you cannot think straight it clouds your intelligence - and hence complete delusion arises.

When such delusion arises - they get bewildered and they have no memory why they are fighting, why they are saying these things no memory.

When memory is bewildered, intelligence gets lots and hence when no intelligence, we can't guide our mind which get agitated by our senses. So most important item is to always keep your intelligence powerful!

V 64-72: He discusses how does a man Walk - how does he engage his senses.

V64: Regulative principles of freedom are - 4 regulative principles. How does he walk - how does he engage his senses and utilitze it in KC. A KC person is free from all attachement and aversion and able to control his senses. Unless senses are utilized for Krsna's pleasure there is no use. A person firmly on the KC plane even though in the material sensual plane they aren't attached to the sensual activites. Example - Ramananda Raya - he taught and bathed and dressed small girls for the pleasure of Jagannatha, Someone from the outside might think wow he is so luck, but Raya's mood was I'm doing this service for pleasure of Krsna as by dressing them, cleaning them and teaching them how to dance Jagannatah is going to be happy. Sometimes we might have to do service not very nice, but if our mood is to serve Krsna even in that plane we will not be connected to the sensual pleasures. Just by having prasadam our senses get inoculated and then we are able to control our senses. 

V65, 66 - This is what will happen when we aren't satisfied in KC - can't develop transcendental intelligence, steady mind and we won't be peaceful and how can there be happiness when we aren't peaceful. When we are waiting for our exam results we aren't steady and mind is not peaceful. Very important to think about these things and reflect on this to make progress. We are always helping Krsna to enjoy and we are servants of Krsna. We are always helping Krsna to enjoy. A person who is in full conciousness knows that he is the Supreme. How can there be any happiness withougt any peace of mind. When our mind is running behind so many sensual pleasures how will our mind be peaceful. When our mind is set on Krsna then automatically it will become peaceful and hence we become happy. This is highlighted in the 6th chapter by Krsna more.

V67- Even ONE OF A ROAMING SENSE - carries away a man's intelligence - hence all the senses should be for Krsna's service just like Maharaja Ambarish. Hence we should try to control the mind by applying all our senses on Krsna just like Maharaja Ambarish.

V68 - A sadhaka must udnerstand that we are trying to control our senses - why - so we can get the right intelligence to know Krsna and our relationship with him and also to guide our mind when it gets agitated by the senses. And that is only possible by dovetailing our senses on KC and not otherwise.

V69- Two classes of intelligent men. One in material activities and other the introspective sage trying to awake their love for Krsna. Material people are always trying to see how they can please their senses instead of the bhakti yogis who are trying to develop their love for Krsna.

V70 - A person in KC is always happy, he is never disturbed he is always in devotion. When other things come he is never disturbed just like an ocean is always still even when lots of rivers are flowing into the ocean. A KC person's desires are fulfilled, it doesn't mean he doesn't have these inclinations for material sense gratification, but because he is always in the proper intelligence, he is always completely satisfied. He is very peaceful, because he is satisfied. But material persons are always running behind temporary things and are hence never happy.

V71: How to attain real peace - Maharaja Priyavrita - very qualified person - internally he was completely renounced. Always his mind was fixed on Krsna. Example - if a bag of flour is fallen down animals take what they require but humans like to take it all, because we always want to enjoy falsely. We should understand that true happiness is only got when we understand we are parts and parcels of Krsna and are doing activities only to please Krsna. Krsna is telling Arjuna just fight to your best ability only to please Krsna even if you don't want to do it and only then you will attain real peace.

V72: Even at the hour of death - if we attain such a way of spiritual and Godly life a man isn't bewildered and one can enter into the kingdom of God. Sthitih Partha = Such a situation he is never bewildered, then he understands the goal of life and he is never bewildered. Krsna tells Arjuna - person who is not bewildered by all these material onslaughts that person o Arjuna is always in KC and then he understands we are parts and parcels of Krsna and we are here to serve Krsna, Our Guru and all parts and parcels of Krsna. When we surrender very nicely then immediately we are about to die we are able to go back to Krsna. Ex - Katvanga maharaj - just focussed his mind on Krsna, even situated at the time of death or we have to again go back through so many lifetimes again to come back to this realization on what we need to do. Hence please don't waste a minute of this life so we can go back to Godhead in this lifetime itself. Please take up dev service very seriously.

So how not to commit Vaishnava aparadha and always be able to tolerate others - CHANT VERY VERY SINCERELY. When you chant properly everything gets into order. How do you chant properly - WAKE UP IN THE MORNING and also Pray to Guru and Gauranga that I'm very fallen and please help me taste this Holy name. If we aren't able to still make progress, find devotees who have this taste for the holy name and serve them, when you serve them, they will give you the mercy to taste this holy name! WOW!!!

Also when you chant properly your mind is fixed on Krsna who will give you higher intelligence to actually help you understand that everybody around you in a devotee of Krsna, some have realized some are still in dormant stage but everybody IS a devotee of Krsna and your whole aim in life is to just help and serve this person. When that happens, and you realize it, then you are able to tolerate everyone and try to dovetail it in Krsna's service. Haribol! 

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