Krsna explains in BG, one who understand the reason of my appearance and disappearance in this material world. That person will actually go back to the Spiritual world. That is the greatness of somebody getting a glimpse of the Spiritual world. The original supreme personality, the primiveal lord, the source of all incarnations is Krsna. There are many many incarnations of the Lord but Krsna is the original personality of Godhead. When he decides to descend himself, he descends on this titthi of Janamashtami. In this material creation, Karanodakshayi - responsible of all universises, Garbodakhyai - responsible for this universe and Kshirodakshayi vishnu expands as the param atma in all living entities and he also carries out maintenance of this universal world also. For the smooth functioning of this material world there is Kshirodakshayi vishnu.
Demigods are compared to the farmer. After the farmer puts the seed, he prays to the higher power to get rain. Similarly, the Demigods even though how great they are, yet unless they have the mercy of Vishnu they can't carry out any orders.Vishnu is the one who is needed. And Kshirodakshayi vishnu is actually just an amsha of Krishna. Why is he coming himself, Kshirodakshayi vishnu can take any inarnation and can come. Why does Krisha himself come? Because he has unlimited love and devotion for his devotees. Krishna's heart is longing to give a glimpse to my devotees on what leelas they are missing out on. By enacting the same pasttimes he is trying to enchant the jiva souls. We have forgotten that we were in the spiritual world and Krsna is thinking by enacting the same past times from Goloka Vrindavan will enchant these forgotten souls. He appears in a challenging setting. Vasudeva and Devaki have to go through a lot of turmoil for 8-9 years.
The birth of Krsna in our hearts will not happen that easily. A lot of turmoil is happening as the dirt in our hearts, the anarthas are ripping out of conciousness and it is making us cling on material things and this is creating us to cling onto this material world. Only when we are willing to bring Krsna to our hearts with love, only then Krsna will appear in our heart. When we have to give up our attachment, then it is more violence because then it is trying to remove these attachments we have clung on.
Vasudeva and Devaki were actually willing to lose their 6 babies, let go of the 7th one, 8th one is also gone. Vasudeva and Devaki inspite of all this, they were pure devotee because they had paitence and also kept serving the Lord with lot of love and devotion. They know Krsna has a plan and they are just following Krsna's instructions to give him pleasure. Hence this is an evolutionary process. Same way Brajavasis.
Hence, Krsna's Janamashtami is all about - a moment when everything is just perfect, stars are alligned, most auspicious day in the year. Anyone who observes this thiti with lot of devotion will receive lot of benediction. 1. When you are here help Krsna in his mission and 2. Become completely concious of Krsna by remembering him always so he can take us home back to Godhead.
Try to have Birth of Krsna in our heart - very evolutionary and painful. The 6 children of Devaki are the 6 anarthas which are very dear to us and we need to give them up. Only when these 6 anarthas are vanquished, the termoil we see by letting these go away, then we prepare the heart by Balaramji or our Guru - we take shelter of the Guru so these anarthas are vanquished only then Krishna the supreme personality will take birth in our heart.
We need to become more and more concious of Krsna. We need to only chant about Krsna, meditate on his name and serve him with all pleasure for his pleasure. Create our heart so Krsna can reside there. Only then we can get Krsna prema. Day and Day is passing by and we are being made to believe that everything is fine by Maya devi and is making it bereft day by day so we are in this material cycle. So we need to take some strong vows so on this day we can actually have the birth of Krsna in our hearts so we can go back home back to Godhead.
6 anarthas - Kāma, krodha, lobha, moha, mada and mātsarya—lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride and envy. And how can these be killed only by Kamsa that when we are afraid of material energy. We need to be afraid of maya devi. If we play with maya then she will consume us not only in this lifetime but also next time. Only when we become afraid of Maya can we kill these Anarthas. We need to see how we can dovetail all these anarthas into Krsna's service. Lust = love for Krsna, Anger = anger should be used to punish a demon who is envious of devotees, Greed = greed for Krsna's service, Illusion = Knowledge about Krsna, Pride =? , Envy = healthy competition for Krsna's service.,_krodha,_lobha,_moha,_mada_and_matsarya_-_lust,_anger,_greed,_illusion,_pride_and_envy_-_all_have_their_proper_use_for_the_Supreme_Personality_of_Godhead_and_His_devotee
We should not try to even do Vaishnava apradha. We need to be scared of maya a lot. Because this is Maya devi's trick to make us fall down. Hence, we should always remember Maya devi is very very powerful so we can try to have these 6 anarthas dovetailed into Krsna's service. How can you do this - chant your rounds sincerely, read SB everyday - nityam bhagavat sevaya - irrevocable service to Krsna will be established in the hearts of the devotees. Hence, BE MORE ALERT IN EVERYTHING YOU DO!
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