
Thursday, March 20, 2014

B.G 11.51- 52 Summary by HG Shyamsundar Prabhu

BG 11.51: When Arjuna thus saw Kṛṣṇa in His original form, he said: O Janārdana, seeing this humanlike form, so very beautiful, I am now composed in mind, and I am restored to my original nature.
So what do we mean by Original form? From SB and BG, Krsna is an avatari. Krsna is coming here in this original form - manusya roopam - 2 handed shyamsundar form residing in Goloka Vrindavan. How is God like me? Man is made in the image of God. We have this human form in the image of the Krsna's form which is the original Shyamsundar form. It looks like human like but it's not actually not human like. It is the Original form of Krsna. The divine nature of Krsna can';t be understood, but here we can clearly see how Krsna in the original form and is the source of everything is soo beautiful. Also, Krsna showed the universal form. Krsna showed the Narayan form and Krsna showed his original 2 handed form and it is Krsna who is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It can be shown only to the pure devotees of the Lord and for them there is no confusion. 

The original verses of BG is as clear as sun. Our clouded intelligence is trying to see everything through a cloud. Krsna's beautiful Shyamsundar form is the original form. The devotee is just attached to this beautiful form of Krsna. All we want is beautiful relationships with the people around us and be devoted to Krsna. When we are on our death bed, nothing will be important - our wealth, our fame, name etc - all we need is a loving hug from our near and dear ones and that is what attracts the hearts of the devotees. Every feature of Krsna is full of potencies and is all in all. Mahaprabhu came to give us this connection to Krsna through the Holy name. My dear Lord you have put all your potencies in the holy name but our misfortune is because we have no taste - not the problem of the holy name but our clouded intelligence that we are not able to come to Holy name. 

So it all comes down to the loving relationship to Krsna and that is only experienced in the 2 handed shyamsundar form of Krsna.

BG 11.52: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, this form of Mine you are now seeing is very difficult to behold. Even the demigods are ever seeking the opportunity to see this form, which is so dear.

Now, Krsna is saying this original form of mine is very difficult to behold and even demigods are trying to seek the opportunity to see. So the question is - Krsna has been on the planet for 100 years and everybody has been able to see him but then why does Krsna now says it is very difficult to behold, or very difficult to see so why does Krsna say this?  The demigods have had an experience of seeing the Narayan form of Krsna but they haven't seen the two handed form of Krsna. SP is making a very imp point here - still 2 handed form is very very confidential.Unless and until one's eyes are annointed with the love, even though Krsna;s form is spiritual and his body isn't material - even though his body is present as the two handed form yet based of the level of bhakti you see/percieve Krsna's body as something else and hence they are yearning to see the personal 2 handed form of Krsna.So the only way to see Krsna is through BHAKTI - bhaktyā tv ananyayā śakya aham evaḿ-vidho 'rjuna. Without bhakti, even Krsna's 2 handed form will appear as something else. When we see Krsna is our friend he appears as though he is our friend. If he is cruel, he will appear as cruel. So it is very very important on how we perceive Krsna, because he appears like that to us. So please approach Krsna as the all mighty loving father so then Krsna will appear as that. The whole point why Krsna says this, is because when we get something, we take it very cheaply - when we go to temple we look at the form of Krsna and take it cheaply - but this 2 handed form of Krsna is very difficult to behold and through SP's mercy we have got the opportunity to see Krsna's 2 handed form. Krsna is the deity!!!! That is Krsna standing in front of us to give us an opportunity to see him. He is the supreme Lord. We have got such a nice opportunity to see Krsna as he appears in his original form as in Goloka Vrindavan and hence we don't take it seriously and hence we are bereft of this great opportunity. 

This form of Krsna is the topmost form it is very diffcult to see. It is the most confidential form of Krsna is now available to us and we are so merciful that we are able to see him in his 2 handed form and YET we are not taking the opporutnity to see him in that mood because what we perceive of Krsna is how he reciprocates with us. Even Rupa Gosvami just closing his eyes could see Krsna's form and even though he would get darshan yet he would have the mood of separation with Krsna.

Ex - Mahaprabhu once jumped into the ganges during kirtan. The fact that I'm alive is becuase I have no love for Krsna because if I loved Krsna I would have died to go back to Krsna. Mahaprabhu and the Gosvamis are teaching us the mood of separation and simultaneously not take what is being offered to us lightly. We have the opportunity to take darshan of Krsna to be with Krsna so we shouldn't take it lightly. We should at the same time yearn for his mercy so we can always serve him. Hence, we should value any/every time to see Krsna and take his darshan. This opporunity to be with Krsna, to be with Krsna's devotees is very rare - once in a lifetime - hence we should really take lots of opportunity to see him again and again and get darshan of him because it is very difficult to behold (very difficult to see). Whenever we see Krsna we should try to keep collecting these new experiences whenever we see Krsna and that is KC. Hankering for newer and newer experiences everytime we read the same verse is known as KC. As soon as one gets the mood that we have been to Vrindavan, read the BG, and no need to read again - we have lost the mood of KC. Every time we read we should get newer and newer experiences. Hence Krsna says this form of mine is so difficult to behold. 

Hence. Krsna appeared as Mahaprabhu to teach us what is the process to enter into the confidential pastitimes of Krsna and what is it - trinad api sunichena......Humility, tolerance and being the servant of the servant of Krsna 3rd verse of Sistaskamam. This form of Krsna is not cheap. It is the best and that is being promised by BG. If we sincerely hold on to the teachings of BG we will get Krsna's origina form which is very very rare to get. 

In South India temples have very small doors and the reason was to make sure devotees don't take the form of Krsna cheaply, but because of SP's mercy we are able to get darshan unlimitedly and hence we shouldn't take this cheaply as Krsna is saying in this verse - this 2 handed form of Krsna is very rarely attained so please take the opportunity to pay our obeisances. 

Why did Arjuna request to see the 4 handed form from the Universal form - for our benefit so we can understand that Krsna is the source of everything. 

So from Gaura Poornima our New Year has started - so in this year lets take opportunity to make progress in our spiritual life and pray to Krsna's 2 handed shyamsundar form to allow us to get a mustard seed of mercy everyday to gradually make progress in our spiritual life.

Hare Krsna!

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