
Monday, December 30, 2013

Nice notes

Krsna is the supreme and he gives alot of Rasa. Sambhandha between us and Krishna.

Second verse the effect 10.13.55

Brahma saw all of the things all at the same time and is feeling ecstatic bliss.
But Krishna takes care of all his entities esp in vrindavan where pure souls are present.
Demigods equal to him - because they consider them separate from Krishna. Offense - name of Krishna is different from him. We pay attention to them, when chanting we should have 100% attention .
just chant to get to Krishna. Verse brahma is in complete bliss. How to -  only one gets a little fraction of mercy by devotional device then you get him. But if you commit offenses then he again becomes a mystery.  So no offenses as he shall put a curtain again. All this will then become a dream so take shelter of devotees, sb, bg.

babaji maharaj - the preaching mood came from him. He wore loin cloth from corpuses. He never took any service only gave service. He saw bhalti vinod thakur as 7th goswami even though he was grahasta. He was illiterate, but he was in devotional service and hence he could give initiation. So this is the siksha guru line. By hearing about our acharyas, it increases our faith 

Read nod chap 4
Bhaktivibof thakur interpretation of the holy nale. Saying the holy name is service to the lord. We are servants of Krishna and we should accept it and we will be better than yogis and ppl who go to the higher planets.
Devotees inspire of difficultirws keep going on.

For great devotee they don't even want liberation all they need is devotional service. Why because they are bored and lonely.

What is Ananada - it is the service to the lord, seeing the dirty, Prasad, hearing , chantong, association with devotees - by servicing them Krishna is happy and its a service to him. Reciprocation of gifts.  Think when you are love those are the reflection of being in prema with lord. It just is! 

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