
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vyasa Puja Class by Gurudev (2013 at ISV)

In KC, we say Krsna you are BOSS! Out of millions only one comes to Krsna. Only these rare souls take to this KC movement. We are offering and gloryfing Vyasa dev on this day. Narad muni actually told him that if you don't write SB, then it's not fulfilling. Hence for our benefit Srila Vyasa dev wrote the entire SB.

Just by reading the SB one can come to the point of KC and transcend this material world. Krsna doesn't compell anyone to serve him. He says - if someone approaches me, I live in them and they live in me. This comes for the representatives of Krsna - example - Vyasa Dev.

Sound in the spiritual world is a different sound and it is a different creation. If someone listens to it, it can change our trajectory and we start our journey back to Godhead and Srila Vyasadev makes it available to all of us.

Mass consual trance - everyone tries to do what others are doing - how strong forces in this material world do it.

Srila Vyasa Dev actually gives us this in SB by giving the message of another world. Just like a postman who delivers the message as it is. We celebrate this transmission of knowledge on Vyasa Puja Day. Guru is the via-medium, nothing changes - he just listens from the disciplic succession and conveys to his disciples and we are celebrating that today.

When one takes and understands and surrenders by reading SB, Vedamata conming from the vedas then our spiritual life begins. Hence, it is so important to read the SB.

So our goal is to Read/receive it nicely, understand it, preach it after understanding it.

In Kali-Yuga - Srila Vyasa dev kenw that problems were coming and hence he divided the vedas and then wrote the BG, Mahabharat and then SB.

Mind is like a fish. Fish can't stop to bite these lures and similarly mind keeps biting the lures of maya. Nistha is anybody who understands this and can become a Guru and surrender.

Where attention goes - inattention comes!

Who has a slight interest in this philosophy is ripe to go back home. There is a place for everything and everything in its place. Only when one understands that Krsna is a person and he has eyes, we are parts and parcels of Krsna and only then can we understand our spiritual form.

Sukhadev Gosvami by his mercy gave us this revealed secret. So, learn it and preach it. The secret of advancing in spiritual life and he STRAINED his ears (just like SP), and SP got this instruction from his Gurudeva and he took it to heart and he wanted to do it, nobody forced him to do it. That's why SP was successful - because he was just the messenger.

A Guru- vyasa puja is to use your will to simply adhere it to Krsna and then something relevant has happened. But one with free will takes it to heart and then moves forward that person grows in KC.

Follow this instruction - whatever happens do or die follow your GMaster's order as life and soul is the qualification to connecting back to spritiual world. Also, they say you can be in 2 leelas at the same time. There can be somebody in Krsna (Madhurya - love spontaneous) and C.Mahaprabhu leelas (Adaurya - sweetness) at the same time.

Just make the attempt with the right frame of mind and look at the potential in everybody!

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