BG 10.3
"He who knows Me as the unborn, as the beginningless, as the Supreme Lord of all the worlds — he only, undeluded among men, is freed from all sins."
The person who know that Krishna is the unborn, that person will be freed from all the sins. That aspect of being Krishna is repeated by Krishna several times in the BG. In the 4th chap Krishna says - O Arjuna, one who will understand the reason behind the appearance and disapperance of me will not take birth again. So, one who know that aspect of Krishna being the supreme personality of Godhead. That person will actually become free from all the sinful reactions of the material world. So what is so great about it? What next?
When we know Krishna is the supreme personality of Godhead then knowledge about Krishna means to attract previous love for the Lord. The love for Krishna, the service attitude towards Krishna is dormant in the hearts of all living entities. When engaged in dev service, then that service attitude towards Krishna is got by sravanam and kirtanam. That will give rise to the dormant service attitude towards Krishna. The whole process of knowing about Krishna and his pasttimes, qualitites, nature, all these efforts are meant to install in the deep core of our heart that it is this Krishna who is the source of all and is the ultimate master. This is the meaning of liberation - Knowing that Krishna is the absolute. Our constitutional position is to serve. When we serve Krishna that is our constitutional position, eternal position of serving Krishna. That is mukti, when we understand this.
That person is then out of sin from this material world. It is so easy and yet so difficult. In the BG it is said - Millions and millions of people are there, out of them one who is striving for self realization is considered to be very intelligent, extraordinary. Out of these people one who knows Krishna is known to be the BEST. He is the most successful who knows Krishna. There are lots of people in dhyan yoga, jnana yoga so lots of people are on different paths for self realization. Even the person on the path of bhakti, the one who has understanding of Krishna that person, such mahatma who accepts that everything is coming from Krishna, that is a true mahatama. He understands and accepts Krishna that he is the supreme.To understand and act accordingly. That is very imp. To act in KC. Because we hear and the very next moment we do sense gratifying work.
Whether you see stationary objects, moving objects you are acutually seeing Krishna in everything. your worshipable lord. That person is in Vasudeva consciousness and understanding of Krishan. That quality will free us from everything and give us liberation. This material world is nothing but inauspicious. The only thing auspicious is the devotional service to Krishna and this can make our life revolutionary and change everything for Krishna. The characteristics of KC is all shubadha. It is also called klesha dwing - it will burn up all the sinful reactions and also go ahead and try to burn the ROOT CAUSE of the sinful reaction.
Deep down in the core of the heart there is a seed to commit the sinful reaction. The seed is slowly growing and is lingering somewhere around. Then the fruit of that seed - All these 3 are burnt to ashes by pure devotional service . This is all auspicious and it will burn all our sinful reaction to ashes.
Just as forest fire all snakes are burnt to ashes in one shot. It is said that people take bath in Ganga so why nothing is burnt. Because the root cause isn't burnt. The beejam, kootum and phalo mukhan are still there and hence it again makes them act in sinful ways. Pure devotional service actually goes right down there to burn these all. Because we don't have that faith that Krishna is the supreme lord, we don't have that conviction to acutally dedicate ourselves for pure devotional service and hence it pulls us to do sense gratifying things.
Krishna here is again explainig - that my dear Arjuna if you want to get out of sinful reactions, you should understand me that I'm unborn, the supreme and the absolute and then you can lead a life of pure devotional service.
Gaur Poornima is coming up and hence Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is glorified by Krishnaraj goswami - If you are indeed interested in logic and argument, use it for Krishna. If you do so, you will find it strikingly wonderful. Apply it just for Mahaprabhu's vichaar, if you think, you will find a chamatkar. You will experience something very wonderful and extra ordinary. Something which can't be fathomed. My dear lord you are the most merciful avatarr, because you are giving Krishna prem. What is the mercy of Chaitanya mahaprabhu, it is explained that he is showrering extra ordinary mercy in all through CC. In one chapter, the lord is travelling to Vrindavan from Puri and there something extraordinary happens:
What is the chamaktar - He was going through jharikhanda forest. He actually engaged all the animals. He touched a tiger with his feet, he encouraged the tiger to chant the holy name. The tiger started chanting and roaring the name. Then mahaprabhu splashed the water at the elephant and told them to chant. The elephants started trumpeting the name of the lord. Such was the mercy that even animals were captivated. By the mercy of the supreme lord, Krishna could actually induce the living entities to engage in the constitutation position of chanting and dancing and serving the Lord. He invoked the dormant love in every living entity. He was so merciful.
Whoever heard the name of the Lord then the whole world became a devotee and everybody started chanting the name of the Lord. That person who continuously start chanting the names of the Lord and it was so addicting.
This is the power of a pure devotee. He chants the name of the Lord offenseively, someone else starts chanting and then another and then another and this is the mercy of the Lord.
The same mercy we have available today and this is the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and that same mercy is here today. Take the holy name and lead a life of KC then we give it to others and that is the yuga dharma - Harinama Sankirtana. This is how we can be a part of it and help ourselves and others. Everybody wants something auspicous in their lives and hence let's chant offensively the Hari naam. Approach the lord with a deena bhav, we need your mercy and with your mercy we feel that we can get rid of our sins and approach you forever so we know our eternal relationship with you. So we can constantly chant the Hare Krishna name with smile and love in the heart. With a lot of happiness in KC we lead our life.
Some people say they are killing time (Time pass kar raha hoon) But actually time is killing us.
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