Friday May 11
10.30- 12.00pm
(A) Meditation in Krsna Consciousness: Interactive Session:
Dravida Das
Srila Praphupad said: meditation means to achieve a state in
which the mind is saturated with God Consciousness and always thinking of God.
Smartavyah satatam visnur vismartavyo na jatucit
5 P's for better Japa:

Learnings from FOI 2012 – New Vrindavan, WV
deities and their miracles and how they interact with their devotees: Sri
Nandanandana Das (Stephen Knapp)
He spoke about how deities are
so powerful and when you have a personal connection with them, they reciprocate
back with you. He said we shouldn’t consider them to be merely statues made of
wood, marble etc; but by the mercy of the Lord, they have come down so we have
a personal connection with them by dressing them, performing aarti, offering
food. Having a deity at home makes you feel a personal connection with them and
you start feeling like the house is Krsna’s and you are just serving him. Then
there were lots of devotees who shared their personal experiences with deities.
Stories – janmastami Krsna became fat as his clothes didn’t fit; Nagpur mataji
desired that the garland is straight as Krsna’s dress isn’t being seen properly
and at that time the garland feel and became straight; She desired her
initiated name to be starting with s and it did.
2. Meditation in Krsna consciousness: Dravida
is a state saturated by God consciousness and always thinking of God. Constant remembrance
is smaranam and that is meditation. Hearing and chanting is the foundation of
Krsna consciousness. Constant remembrance deepens into full absorption which is
are 5 Ps for better japa:
Preparation - Early to bed, early to rise makes a devotee
blissful and wise (Sleep by 10p and wake up at 4am)
- sit properly, body, neck head erect in a straight line.
– upper, lower lips and tongue. All three must be engaged. The words Hare Krsna
should be distinctly pronounced and heard.
Prayer – The
three words are the transcendental seeds of the maha mantra. The chanting is a
spiritual call for the Lord and his energy to give protection to the
conditioned soul. This chanting is exactly like the cry of a baby for the
mother’s presence. Mother Hara helps the devotee achieve the Lord Father’s
grace and the Lord reveals himself to the devotee who chants sincerely.
Purity – 10
offenses should be avoided, no inattention, strive to clear the anarthas (3
types – thirst for material things, weakness of heart and the offenses.)
3. Bhakti and the Yoga Ladder – Amazing look
at Gita Chapter 12 –Urmila Devi Dasi
this lecture mataji described what is the ultimate goal – spiritual loving
service for Krsna.
ways to get to here:
a. Bhakti from beginning: Mind fixed on Krsna.
The process is with transcendental faith above
the modes.
Always engage in worship of Krsna
Whatever work one does – it is done for Krsna –
the devotee doesn’t desire any achievement other than pleasing the supreme.
Chanting, hearing, reading, cooking, washes
dishes in temple – don’t let any moment pass without devoting his activities to
Krsna – This is called as full Samadhi(BG purport 12.2)
This path is easy and natural – embodied souls
can worship the deity with material senses.
Krsna personally delivers the devotee even if
the devotee hasn’t attained transcendental gyana or not done all aspects of
dharmic karma.
He brings them to His dhama by putting them on
the shoulders of Garuda without going via the path of light.
No previous qualifications are needed. A sincere
devotee who engages in the service of the Lord automatically becomes situated
in the brahma bhuta stage.
Going up the Yoga ladder is hard process.
Meditate on self/brahman
They think this process is better to remove all
obstacles first and then perform bhakti – rather than remove bhakti by bhakti
Nature of this path is difficult!
Hence the best process to reach the goal is
to have the mind and intelligence on
Krsna. This can be done by concentrating the mind on Krsna only,
remembering Krsna only- the form of
Shyamasundara with yellow cloth, forest garland and not the impersonal
Brahman. Also fix the intelligence which has the power to discriminate upon
Krsna. This means continually reflect on the statements of scripture using
intelligence which will result in meditation. Such contemplations are called
manmana. Only then you will attain residence near Krsna. Who can follow this
best process?
Somebody who already has an attachment to Krsna.
Symptoms are – Krsna and his internal potencies
dance on one’s tongue which chanting Hare Krsna.
Krsna directly accepts food that is offered.
And the devotee doesn’t live on the material
This is called raganuga bhakti.
What are the steps to Raganuga bhakti -
Abhyasa yoga – Practice to fix the mind in trance of Samadhi? From wherever the
mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly
withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the Self. Repeatedly
withdrawing the mind when it goes here and there and fixing the mind on Krsna
is called abhyasa. Love of God is now in a dormant state in everyone’s heart
and that love needs to be revived by purifying the heart of material
How to do Abhyasa yoga – under a spiritual master wake up early in
the morning, take bath, enter temple, offer prayers, chant hare Krsna, cook,
offer flowers, listen to BG, SB. The bridge from abhyasa yoga to Raganuga
bhakti is desire to attain Krsna (by repetitive practice). How do you get
this desire – if you have the FAITH that the association of Krsna in His
supreme abode Goloka Vrindavan is the highest perfection of life? Only by peace can you do Abhyasa yoga. How
do you achieve this peace – A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to
be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities and the
benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities attains peace from pangs of
material miseries. i.e, Krsna is the BOSS!
A person in peace has no fear and full of courage.
Hence summary of the direct path – 1.
Engage senses in activities of bhakti 2. Practice of pulling mind back
repeatedly to Krsna and then ultimately 3. Full absorption of mind and
intellect in Krsna.
Good qualities come automatically by
bhakti. A bhakta works to develop good qualities as part of his bhakti. Example
– a devotee in Krsna consciousness takes time and care to make sure all
ingredients are vegetarian as part of his or her practice of bhakti.
one by one of a bhakta
Krsna is the supreme goal of life
Serving Krsna with determination
Not looking for material results
No cares
Mind and intelligence is situated on Krsna
other people
one’s enemies – One is merciful on their enemies thinking they don’t end up
in unfortunate circumstances. He says, this person is acting as my enemy due to
my own past misdeeds. So it’s better to suffer than to protest.
Relations- He is non-possessive of children and wife by not thinking of the
body as the self. He says my friends, wife, son are now your servants and
maidservants. Whatever care I take for them is only as they are related to you.
3. He by whom no one is put into difficulty or
4. He is not disturbed by anyone.
5. Doesn’t take any sides and hence he is
Krsna is the owner and doer – I’m not the
Free from false ego
He’s above duality
Unaffected by happiness, distress, fear,
anxiety, auspicious, inauspicious, joy, grief, desire, lamentation, honor,
dishonor, fame, infamy, heat, cold, bodily pain, pleasure
He is equipoised
He has higher tastes – serving Radha, Krsna with
love and devotion.
One with all these qualities is
very dear to Krsna. All these qualities arise from sense control (peace) which in
turn arises from bhakti and hence they aren’t material qualities. Krsna is
controlled by persons devoted to Him alone and by the persons devoted solely to
the process of bhakti dedicated to Him. The most beautiful Krsna is conquered completely
by LOVE.
Detecting and Disarming the False Ego: Sukhavaha Devi Dasi
Read mataji’s book for summary
5. How to be a Happy Human – Vaisesika Das
The discomfort in this material world is
expecting happiness in terms of misery. Every circumstance is an opportunity to
improve my devotion to Krsna. Shraddha is the Faith and it’s in the core of
your heart what you believe will make you happy. Hence, I pray from your
Lordship that within the core of my heart there be no material desires.
Plan for happiness – Sukhi nara (Sukhi
means happy and nara means man).
Expectations-experience = satisfaction
Voluntary life change vs reactionary life
change (VLC Vs RLC). Example – Somebody gives up smoking.
you take a VLC, you take full responsibility and don’t think you are the
victim. Hence, you will have Gratitude – best thing you have is “you”.
Cleanse the mirror – misperception leads to
suffering. It’s what I think I see that brings the misery.
Unlimited – I see the world as
an opportunity for service. Sankirtana is happiness.
6. Mystery
He met Prabhupada in 1970 and that created
a deep impression in him. He told him 2 things. I am ISKCON and don’t be upset
by the instrument of your karma.
We should all be obsessed with service –
going beyond because we are bhaktas. Service two kinds – anticipatory vs
reactionary service. Make people feel at home esp. for the first time. Welcome
them in.
true measure of a person is how well we serve people who can do us no good”.
Integrity is very important, doing
something even when somebody is not looking. Amazon does something amazing;
they keep an empty chair in every meeting which is the customer. Every decision
they make is driven by the customer.
Vegetarians need amino acids not proteins.
The final goal of life is being humble. Do you think animals have souls? Listen
with the intent to understand and not to reply.
Knowledge is learning something every day –
wisdom is letting go of something every day.
Don’t disturb me, I’m disturbed enough.
Prayer is the perfect wireless connection. As we express our gratitude, we must
always show gratitude. Test of courage comes when you are in minority.
Chanting is easy; chanting from
heart is always hard. Read miracles on 2nd avenue book – 3
situations – a. coming out of a storm, b. in a storm, c. going into a storm.
7. Taking shelter of Srimati Vrinda Devi:
Daivi-sakti Devi Dasi
(Basil) – He has a lot of love for Vrinda-devi and hence all worship of Krsna
is done by Tulsi. This is only offered to Sri Krsna. Forest of Vrindavan is her
place. There is no void in her. Tulsi maharani is the eternal servant of Krsna
and Radha. She is always resting on Krsna’s lotus feet and never moves from
there. Krsna has specifically said that
among plants he is the Tulsi. Vrinda-devi is the arranger – meaning she takes
care of Radha-Krsna meeting each other in secret, so they can perform their
past times. Hence, to cherish the Lord’s past times you have to go through
Tulsi maharani.
went into the ear of Krsna and hence we got the Brahma Samhita. There are 3
yoga pits – morning yoga pit, Gupt Kund (Veer Devi). Vrinda-devi makes sure
what happens to Krsna and Radha and how they are served.
supreme lord doesn’t accept anyone’s worship without Tulsi. Sri Krsna is very affectionate towards His devotee
who merely offers him a Tulsi leaf and a palmful of water.
wear Tulsi Maharani around our neck, knowing that She is very dear to Lord
Krishna. By our allegiance to Her, we chant the name of Lord Hari." Anyone
who touches the Tulsi beads is glorified. Hence, chant the hare Krsna mantra
and gayatri mantra on the Tulsi mala. The Tulsi aarti is said so we want to
become sakhis of Radha-rani and we can get into the spiritual realm and only
then chant rounds.
should take care of the Tulsi plant with a lot of devotion. By taking care –
bhakti is cultivated more and more. Hari Bhakti Vilas tells more about Tulsi
mata and offenses to avoid.
Lesson: Simple practices to enhance your daily Bhakti Practice: Vaisesika Das
To be receptive for Bhakti, the heart must
be ready to accept. Example – a shoe person knows everybody’s shoes. It is the
science of receptivity. It’s all about –
Humility – you get a lot done when nobody gets
the credit.
Service attitude – every opportunity for
service. Whenever there is service attitude, there is reception.
Submission – lowest of the lowest – commission
breath, what a difference a motive makes.
Sincerity – chant by sincerity.
Sravanadi Jal – humble – hearing jal. Hear
in the association of like-minded devotees who are more advanced than oneself.
Holes of the ear are like the sky. Have the song in your mind.
Kapila muni said – Transcendental sound
vibration vs polluted sound vibration. When you put the sound vibration with
devotees who are more advanced it enters the ear and then into the heart of the
person. When you hear other songs
(Bollywood, movies) you get that polluted vibration. What’s in the heart then
comes out from your eyes. Hence, to keep your heart clean, hear and chant more.
No dumping, drains to bay – Beware of what
you put in, cause what goes into the ear needs to be filtered of all pollution.
The manthana effect – manthana to kaikey –
she was polluted because she heard from Mantahan and got corrupted. Hence,
don’t hear bad things from others as it may affect and corrupt your mind. Have association only of nice pure people
so you think pure as well.
Homing – we can hear our way back to home
by putting the sravandi jal in us. Example – Salmon goes back to where they
were born, same way we need to find our way back home too.
Drip system – always keep yourself irrigated
with the right meter of water – everyday read or hear from the SB/BG – SB –
3.27.21 – Hear for the long time – “The Supreme Personality of Godhead said:
One can get liberation by seriously discharging devotional service unto Me and
thereby hearing for a long time about Me or from Me. By thus executing one's
prescribed duties, there will be no reaction, and one will be freed from the
contamination of matter.”
Teachable moment – atmas vs mtma (material)
– difference is maintenance of the soul vs maintenance of the body.
Watering schedule – install this in our
CHAD – Chapter a day
Page by page be a sage (note to self - Read more
like Shilpa)
Ekadasi vrat
Karthik vrat
Holy days
Brahma muhurta
Dry Spells – weed a small patch; win with
the basics – better than before, bhakti sprouts wherever there is sravanadi
Krsna a. doesn’t possess the
fault of impersonality b. has a heart and c. Lies down on his own heart.
Always have a beginners mind,
never get complacent. – remain on the edge by following the footsteps of the
Study the mantras you sing –
learn the meanings and the history of it.
Teach new people and you will
see their eyes get excited.
Distribute your knowledge.
with sexual desire – Urmila devi dasi
4 parts
The original spiritual bliss
Love into lust
Back again – Lust into love
Back again – dealing with lust while one is
gradually in the real cure – two ways
Original spiritual bliss
Sex life is not unreal; it is experienced in the spiritual world.
b. But the material sex life is a perverted
reflection of the original fact. In the material world, sex is enjoying
something temporary – just for a few minutes. Love turns into Lust!
However in the spiritual world the same
enjoyment never vanishes. It is continuously enjoyed.
Desire for enjoyment is present in both Krsna and his parts and parcels – the living
entities. In the spiritual world such desires are also spiritual.
Hence, so long the entity is living the desire
is present, if desireless then they say the entity is dead.
Hence the result
of killing sexuality artificially (saying I have no desire leads to) – anger, a
hard heart, falldown.
Hladine potency – Krsna’s own potency – adi rasa
(Radha) – she is the Hladine Shakti – pleasure giving energy of the Lord and is
the only source of enjoyment for Sri Krsna.
The jivas are also nourished by the hladine
energy that gives Krsna pleasure. (For us to experience this adi-rasa is to chant Hare Krsna to get Krsna and Radha
together for their pastimes). Uniting
Krsna and Radha.
Seeing Krsna pleased, they are pleased, because
they don’t want to be independently pleased. Krsna is also pleased when he sees
the devotees pleased.
Simply trying to please Krsna is spiritual
pleasure – in other words, unite the Lord with his energy of pleasure.
Engage Lakshmi in the service of the Lord Narayan
and be happy.
Hanumanji fought the war for Lord Rama so he
could get Sitaji from Ravana and unite her with Rama.
Love into Lust (this is bad)
a. Spiritual
desires are lot different from material bodily desires and hence we being in
this material world with a flesh and body don’t understand the true taste.
Back again – Lust into Love – The real cure
Turn our desires to pleasing Krsna.
Be absorbed in the real soul.
Develop the taste for Bhakti – unless we have
got the taste for the better thing, the inferior things can’t be given up.
It will be a gradual process – everyone has to
cleanse their heart gradually, not
So if it is gradual, what do you do?
back into Love – Real cure! – CHANTING HARE KRSNA AND SERVING Sankirtana
(spreading the message)
Essence of Krsna consciousness movement –
Milk causes dysentery but the same milk when treated as yogurt treats you.
Kam krisna karpane – we are desiring how to
become happy in this material world (brain taxation) – but if we use that in Krsna’s
service - spreading Krsna consciousness that is the cure.
Does not a thing, applied therapeutically, cure
a disease which was caused by the very same thing?
Two ways of using material sexual desire to
devotional service – Brahmacharis and Householders
The key to both is sacrifice – because Krsna is the Lord of Sacrifice and only by
sacrifice can you please him. Because the all-pervading Transcendence is
eternally situated in acts of sacrifice.
BG 4.24 – Matter dovetailed for the cause of the
Absolute Truth regains its spiritual quality. Krsna consciousness is the
process of converting the illusory consciousness into Brahman or the supreme.
Sexual energy – connection (yoga)> pleasure(ananda)>
creation(kriya Shakti)> Life(sat)> Vitality(verya) (sexual energy)
Brahmacharis – Lots of drops of blood create a
drop of semen. raise semina to their brain and not discharge. Ojas and Tejas.By
this sacrifice is higher intelligence to understand the supreme and they do a
fire sacrifice within themselves with the mind completely detached.
Householders – Krsna says where there is sexual
intercourse that is I am.
The reciprocation of service and love between
husband and wife is the ideal of householder’s life. (Emotional and Physical)
Linking bodily sex to reproduction. by sex have
children which gives more responsibilities and that is sacrifice. Fire and
butter in a pot = ghee.
More responsibilities – path of Krsna
consciousness, school, raising them etc – so you are always serving them to be
servants of Krsna.
Inspirational mother’s day class by Radhanath swami –like last year with lovely
leelas and stories.
for Krsna – Krishna priya devi dasi
– bhakti writers blog, idea is practice more by reading and writing and then
sharing your ideas with other authors to get a good feedback.
12. Sri Isopanishad – Vaisesika Das (6/30/2012)
Hillsborough, NC
We read the 3rd verse – Human value is very valuable
and is got after many many births. Don’t waste it. It is rarely achieved. The
body is like a boat to cross the ocean of nescience. But you need a caption for
the ship. + You need favorable breezes that are Krsna’s mercy.
Other kinds of bodies – get low sense gratifications. And
if human body does that then it has killed your soul. Suvas goal is always to
go upto Krsna. There is an MBA formula =>
Expectation – Actual = Experience.
“Make your home
in the spiritual world and not in the material world.”
Laws of forced efficiency – Time management.
Renunciation of the crematorium. The only way back is by vibration. Constantly hearing and chanting Hare Krsna mantra.
Lamentation – Pure devotees also lament on a loss but then
take BG as a crutch to get back and heal (example – Arjuna after Krsna’s disappearance,
Uddava, Vidura etc). Soul is the most dependent and hence are sentimental –
Rupa Gosvami hence said – “Let me read the SB like a lover waiting to read a
love letter from the lover”.
He then told us the story of Agasura – mouth of the
demon – brahma hiding the boys and cows.
As brahma couldn’t understand God, same way give up
trying to understand God – only have faith in hearing and chanting the holy
6th Canto – Ajamya – Recite the name of
Narayana – mechanical is Nama bhyasa which leads to Shradha byas – No taste but
Everytime you do some materialistic activity that
leaves a mark on your mind and hence you want to keep going back to doing the
material activity. Hence every second – think in Krsna, do in Krsna, eat in
Krsna, talk in Krsna, walk in Krsna, Sleep in Krsna – develop the tasts so you
want to keep doing the same – chant and develop this taste so at time of death
it is not hard to think of Krsna.
An important meditation is – whatever we all are is
Krsna’s creation/energy. He appropriately fulfills every living entities desire
– ants to mosquitos. Even though it has a tiny brain it has expertise in
biting. We are hence fully dependent on him. Doubt is a quality of the mind –
Good questions are important.
Learn from the proper scriptures and from Guru, Sadhu
and Scriptures. It is all about being determined to go back to Godhead. Determination in spiritual life is got by
tapasya and controlling the senses by getting a higher taste.
Japa – paying attention to Japa – for this plan
ahead to start day by paying attention – because when you pay attention to
somebody you share love.
Hearing/Reading regularly – NOI – Nam nama rupa;
CC ADI 4 – By hearing about Krsna there is a change in heart.
Sharadha> Rati> Bhakti
Eat to live – not for material satisfaction but only so much
so the senses can hear the holy name. Surrender
is a 6 fold process:
Accept things that are favorable.
Reject things not favorable.
Krsna is the maintainer – believe firmly in his
Always be meek and humble
Give all to Krsna– feel exclusively dependent on
the mercy of the Lord.
Have no interest separate from the interest of
the Lord
13. Become a gardener for better Bhakti – Mitrasena
Das (7/14/2012) Roanoke, VA
We should all grow something – Tulsi,
germinated seeds to see how we protect it and feel nice to see it grow.
Open the heart chakra. When a person
receives the seed of devotional service – he should take care of it by becoming
a gardener.
Sowing the seed in the
heart is a. hearing and b. chanting. Seeds multiply so never underestimate the
power of A seed. For the seed to be planted in your heart you need it to be
fertile. Fertile means to have FAITH. By putting water on the root of tree the
tree grows – roots are below but you can’t see it, you do it because you have
When your heart is pure
you can have lots of people lean and understand from you. Guru Kripa gives you
the Bhakti lata seed – seed of devotion comes only from the guru. Guru gives
you the direction and that comes only from the grace of Krsna.
Bhakti-Lata-Seed – you
get during initiation and you get only from Guru. So if you don’t satisfy your
guru – karma.
Gyana – Only when you
get gyana does the creeper get created. As you cultivate and irrigate it
regularly, the creeper grows significantly all the way into Goloka Vrindavan. “Where the pure desire is to serve the
senses of the Lord”. Although remaining in the material world the gardener
regularly sprinkles the creeper with Sravana
and Kirtana.
If you offend a devotee – the creeper dies (just
like a mad elephant destroying a field). Hence never never never offend a
Vaisnava devotee.
You will have a lot of unwanted creepers (weeds)
– material desires, enjoyment - If you
stay really busy in Bhakti – you will be able to weed out the weeds.
Prajapati – talk less – think more about Krsna.
Stirrup Hoe – Try to take out the unwanted
After a good long Sravana/Kirtana you can pull
out all the unwanted material desires.
The first two leaves that appear are – Shubadha and Klesagri
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