
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Time Running Out


Last year in February, we got to know that there was a wedding in the family later in November that year. We were all very excited and started preparing for the wedding. I have put on some weight in the last few years and I decided I should shed a few pounds before the wedding. I also thought I have 9 months which was enough time to get into shape. 

I noticed, initially I had the motivation to stick to a healthy diet and exercise, but soon I lost sight of my goal and without knowing how time flew it was 2 weeks to the wedding and I hadn't lost any weight!

I realized, how I had wasted my time by not doing a little bit everyday and now the wedding was at the doorsteps and it was way too late. Made me draw a parallel to human life and purpose of human life which is to realize who we are, who is God and what is our relationship with Krsna:

  1. Life is very short.
  2. We need to take advantage of our human life and take up the process of devotional practices very seriously
  3. Doing small things everyday, will allow to make big effects in life overall.
  4. Never lose sight of the goal.
  5. Reading SB regularly, helps us to realize everything around us is temporary and why taking up to KC is so important otherwise we will be just caught up in our day to day lives with maya taking over.
  6. If we waste our time, when death is knocking, which can happen at any moment of time, we will regret not taking this process seriously. Instead take advantage of every moment to remember Krsna.
  7. Associate with like minded devotees who can always help you remember Krsna.