Yesterday we had a wonderful lecture by HH Giriraj Maharj on the occasion of Ram Navami. He discussed the verse SB 9.10.20 - This is the day we celebrate killing of the demon Ravana, the embodiment of Lust and Envy, by Lord Rama.
In the purport, Srila Prabhupada says - Therefore Kṛṣṇa instructed Arjuna, mām anusmara yudhya ca: “Think of Me and fight.” We should fight our enemy to the best of our ability, but for victory we must depend on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
Maharaj made the point that to kill our internal enemies namely lust, anger, greed, pride and illusion we have to depend on the mercy of Krishna. Chief mercy of Krishna in Kali Yuga comes in the form of chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. Best way to chant the Holy Names of Krishna is to wake up early before Brahma Muhurata and chant attentively.
We have a very short time left in this material world and we need to make every second count, otherwise we are going to miss the bus and will have to take a material birth again to go through all the miseries we have undergone in this and past lives.
Hare Krishna!