
Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How to control our lusty desires and choosing to fall down from our initiation vows

Beautiful article on initiation vows and fall down and how to pick up. If you fall down, don't be fallen, pick yourself up:
Fall down is only a failure if we stay down.
Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never succeed; it just might mean it will take a little longer.
Thinking, feeling, willing, and acting is the flow; so if we catch our deviance at the realm of thought, before our emotions and desires are inflamed, by immdiately thinking of Krsna and chanting etc. it is possible to be fully self-controlled, or rather, controlled by Yogamaya

- Chant HK mantra
- read SB and BG everyday
- Meditate on Krsna's eye brows and lust desire go away
- Just ignore/tolerate these desires coming. It's just an itch, just ignore the itch.
Try these 4 items sincerely and pray to K and K will protect us. Our only hope is Lord Krsna.


How to control sexual desires:
-Starts with the tongue, belly and genitals.
- So control the tongue
- How?
 - Control our talk by being silent and talk only when necessary
 - Talk only about Krsna, chant HK mantra, slokas, verses.
 - Second is eating; Eat only what is cooked by devotees as the conciousness of the cook affects your conciousness. So be very careful by eating only prasadam cooked by devotees strictly doing it for Krsna's pleasure.
- ------
- First thing is we want to really want to control this habit.
- Spiritual practices need to be very very strong!
- Have strong sadhana.
- We need to be sincere and determined.
- Strong devotee association with devotees who don't care about these things and aren't bewildered by the opposite sex, that sanga will help us.
- Chant HK nicely, Regularly read SP books, association with strong devotees.
- How strong? how much to do the above? Enough that you can withstand temptation.
- Contemplate on what we are so attached to do?
- This is just mamsa/flesh. Maya devi has just covered a flesh of bones and muscles with this skin and we are just attached to this skin that's it!
- It's just a momentary thrill of the urinary, dirty organs; so we should consider this really well
- The pleasure we feel is the same pleasure which birds, bees, animals feel and we have felt this millions of times. Human life is not to enjoy what we have already chewed but to utilize it in KC and to elevate our life.
- This requires hard work.
- We have to say NO to our mind. Don't give in to the mind.
- That's the way to make spiritual advancement. No other way around it.
- When we say NO everytime we will feel empowered and over time we can tell the mind, you are back - but I'm powerful and I can tolerate.
- If you do, watch illicit sex it will get ingrained into your mind and that will be very hard to purify.  So start today and start purifying your mind.
- Pray to Krsna that I can't do this alone, I need your help to clear my mind.
initiation vows:!topic/nectarofdevotion/Trb2h_3rN1o
Dealing with addictions -

Monday, May 22, 2017

Be Strict Serious and Sincere in our Sadhana

- Be Strict, Serious and Sincere in your sadhana
- Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaj says "Finish your rounds everyday, even at the cost of one's life"
- All our acaryas were strict, serious and sincere in their sadhana, they strictly followed the process and kept count of everything they did and followed their vows sincerely even at the cost of their lives.
- Example Vasudeva Gosh, even in prison, he chanted and marked his body as he counted his rounds.
- At any moment, everything can be taken away, so when we have something give it.
- We become what we practice, so practice sincerely so we can improve our sadhana.
- krame krame (step by step) if we take the basics very seriously (anu kramishyati = follow one step after another we will make progress steadily)
- associate with devotees who are trying sincerely to grow spiritually and if we associate with them, then our path will change too.
- Individual Spontaneous and Voluntary service.
- We need to create an environment of love and trust; so devotees can do service as ISV