
Thursday, January 30, 2014

BG 11.34 -38 summary by HG Shyamsundar prabhu

We are continuing with Arjuna's prayers after he saw the Universal form. We saw that he started to offer prayers to Krsna and the lesson we learnt from the last verse is that name of Krsna is so powerful that all in-auspiciousness will go away from our life and all auspiciousness will begin. In today's verse he is explaining Krsna's position as being the original creator and you are even greater than Brahma. Most people think Brahma is supreme, even Naradji thought Brahma is the supreme and he prayed to Brahma that you are the Supreme and please clarify the doubts in my mind. Then Brahma chastised him that I'm not the supreme but I'm the secondary creator and above me is Krsna who is the supreme creator.

Brahmaji clarified how he is born from the navel of Lord Visnu and is sitting on the lotus flower which sprouts from there and he climbed down the stem but still didn't see anything and he heard TAPA which means he needed to do tapasya. So after millions of years he did tapasya to understand who He is and who is the supreme personality of Godhead Krsna. Also, Arjuna after seeing the Universal form he understands that Krsna is the supreme personality of Godhead.

But we, even after reading BG and hearing from so many devotees still don't accept or even if we accept we don't act on it because of our conditioned state. The process of getting over our conditioning is by giving aural reception to the words of Lord Krsna. By regularly hearing and reciting the words of Lord Krsna it will help us uncover the dualities of this world and come to the point of being the servant and true self with our relationship with Krsna.  Hence it's very imp to have some serious understanding. Here Arjuna is saying he's greater than Brahma. But Brahma is not an ordinary person. He is the engineer of this entire manifestation. His 1 day is 43 trillion years of our time and same time for a night and he lives for 100 years. He is an exalted soul and here Arjuna is saying Krsna you are greater than Him. Hence, after this deep understanding Arjuna is saying you are the Supreme and we should offer obeisances to you. You are the shelter of this entire universe. This entire universe is resting on you.You are the refuge of everything just like pearls are strung on a string. He is holding everything.

Krsna is telling Arjuna very clearly that foolish people think that I am an ordinary human being. Just because I've come in my original form people think I'm ordinary. But they are mudas because they don't know my transcendental form which is actually transcendental to this material creation but they don't understand. But because they don't understand this, all their attempts to fulfill their desires, their attempts to gains knowledge and on the contrary they fall to the demons. Hence no one should make the mistake to put Krsna as a common person. People these days are bringing the dog to the position of God and are calling God as a common person. One who may make the biggest mistake is that they think Krsna is an ordinary person. But he is actually a Transcendental being and is completely aloof of this material world. We are actually nobodies. A sincere student tries to put Krsna on an alter and he is the Supreme personality of Godhead. Krsna is too too high which we can't even fathom.

"You are the original Personality of Godhead, the oldest, the ultimate sanctuary of this manifested cosmic world. You are the knower of everything, and You are all that is knowable. You are the supreme refuge, above the material modes. O limitless form! This whole cosmic manifestation is pervaded by You!"

Here again Arjuna is saying that you are the oldest and is declaring that you know everything past, present and future. He is all knowing. He knows everything. He know what is happening in our lives, in our heart. Sometimes we feel Krsna doesn't know our problems, he isn't listening to me. But Krsna knows everything, past, present and future. He is all pervading. He knows it all. He is transcendental, provided we learn to seeing him in everything of this world. Ex. Prahlad maharaj had seen the art of seeing Krsna everywhere. Prahalad maharaj said with full confidence that Krsna is present in this pillar, that is the perfect way of seeing Krsna completely in everything. That is the art of seeing Krsna. How can we see God everywhere - LOVE FOR KRSNA - When we get love for Krsna all the time then the devotees of Krsna are constantly seeing Krsna through their hearts everywhere, all the time. Because their eyes are covered with the ointment of Love they are seeing Krsna everywhere. Just like the child remembers the mother everywhere and the mother sees the child everywhere. The whole purpose of getting faith, having determination, being the servant of the servant of devotees, reading BG, SB, chanting all for just one goal - TO LOVE KRSNA. BY THIS LOVE WE CAN PURCHASE KRSNA.

Once there was a devotee Mukunda sarkar. He was a great devotee of Krsna. Once he was called upon by the king who was muslim. Mukunada sarkar goes and as he goes he sees that the servants are fanning the king with peacock feathers - just seeing the peacock feather he remembers Krsna and he goes into Ecstasy. He was on a raised platform and he fell down and when he came back to his material consciousness they asked him how are you doing and out of his humility he said that I get these epileptic attacks. This way we should develop the love for Krsna so we can see Krsna everywhere. Just like Sun is the cause of shadow, similarly only when there is Krsna there is everything, hence is the cause of all causes. Only because of him we are all there. When Krsna is absent in a person then he becomes sinful and even here he becomes the cause. Hence he is the cause for both the good and the bad.

Here we see in this verse how Arjuna after such deep realization he is giving such beautiful prayers. Haribol!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

BG 11.33 By HG Shyamsundar prabhu

"Therefore get up. Prepare to fight and win glory. Conquer your enemies and enjoy a flourishing kingdom. They are already put to death by My arrangement, and you, O Savyasācī, can be but an instrument in the fight."

Time is ticking, people are leaving this world one after another. We are also bound to go some day. But before we go what do we want to do - make our life perfect and also the people we come in contact with to make their life perfect. We want to make our life value add. What is the value add in this world, our relationship with Krsna. We want to build that relationship, because it this this relationship which is permanent, because this is a dream. We need to focus on the spiritual aspect and see the world in relationship with Krsna.

How can we become an instrument? Till we don't get this consciousness of sacrificing anything and everything we do to Krsna. And how to we learn and cultivate it. The Harinam-Sankirtan. Once we understand that there is no difference between Krsna's name and him. Once we understand this then we have made our life perfect.

So let us make our life perfect, let us give this one year and make it completly KC. Let's take this challenge of seeing if Krsna will really take care of us? Let us give this one year to Krsna and see how happy we become.

All the arrangements are already made, also another thing certain is that we are all going to become old and we are going to die. But if everything is planned, then what am I supposed to do? Either we surrender to Krsna and try to come out of the material world or we keep thinking we are the doer. Krsna is motivating us that become my devotees, become the instrument in the hands of Krsna. Like Dhruva maharaj - enjoy the kingdom - what does it mean - surrender everything to Krsna, do everything for Krsna. Pandavas, Vibheeshan, Dhruva maharaj, Prahlada maharaj all were given the benediction - enjoy the flouroshing kingdom. So when you have surrendered to Krsna then he will reciprocate. And then you have Dhirstarastra who was blind to KC even though he was ruling the kingdom, he wasn't happy.

Therefore get up - Jiv jago jiv jago - we are all sleeping in the lap of maya, get up sleeping souls from whatever conciousness you are in. Prepare to fight with maya by engaging in devotional service - prepare to chant your 16 rounds with a lot of conviction. Become victorious. What are our enemies - greed, pride, lust, anger ... - conquer your enemies by devotees and devotional service we can enjoy a flourishing kingdom.

Try to take this verse literally as a message from Krsna for 2014. Krsna is saying already, the plan is decided - "already put to death" The holy name is going to inundate the whole world, let's just become instruments of spreading the sankirtan movement all throughout the world. Let us make that our main focus of 2014 and perform devotional service.

The mistake we committed was, we chose to leave Krsna and hence we came down to the material world. Now, Krsna is sending us reminders that please come back as it is here that you will be really happy. More than Krsna, it Krsna's representatives who are more merciful, when they say to Krsna, please forgive them so they can come back to Godhead.

To help a new person to come to KC - give them SP's books and then connect them with a local devotee so they can keep coming back with their questions.