
Thursday, August 29, 2013

SP Vyasa puja

The brajwasi say, Krsna was born in Vrindavan and Mathura. Mother Yashoda gave birth to twins - Krsna and Yogamaya. When Vasudeva took Krishna from the prison cell, Krsna merged with the Krishna in Vrindavan and then vasudeva brought back yogamaya. Krsna never steps out of Vrindavan and whenver he has to step out of Vrindavan, that is just a plenary expansion of Krsna. The VASUDEV expansion of Krsna does all the activities out of Vrindavan. The Shyamsundar for of Krsna is the original Krsna staying in Vrindavan.

Mother Yashoda was in labor pains and when she woke up a beautiful baby boy Krsna is next to her, she was in total ecstacy. They were drona and daya in the last life, they were pure devotees and they wanted to serve Krsna as his parents. They wanted to witness the bal leela and experience vatsalya bhav with the supreme lord. Krsna fulfilled their desires.

Nanda maharaj and Yashoda mataji were actually elderly couple and they hadn't had a child for a long time. But when they had Krsna and he was so charming, everybody was so happy for them. Nanda maharaj immediately after hearing about Krsna gave away so many things in charity and then he did Nandamahotsav. Nandbhavan song - Nand Ke Anand BhayoJai Kanhiya Lal Ki....Hence it was a celebration seeing Krsna same way our chanting is a celebration, celebrating Krsna.

At Kamsa's palace, he was killing the 8th child - Yogamaya and yogamaya said the child already has been born. The deamon is always insurce. He always wanted to get his material sense gratification. Then, he wanted to kill all the children born around that time. How ruthless can deamons become just to protect themselves. Just for your own sake they can effortlessly kill anybody. Kamsa wants to kill all the children.

He called one of the great deamoness Putana. She was a witch called Kethchadi. They fly in the sky and can assume any form and are very deadly. Just by sight they can kill little children. So all the little children where killed by Putana around the earth. After killing all the children she came to the house of Nanda maharaj. Somehow or other I have to trick all these gopis. She put poison on her breasts and assumed a very pretty form. Then she came and picked up baby Krsna. He actually closed his eyes.

The acharyas say - why Krsna closed his eyes when Putana picked up her. The first deamon to be killed by Krsna is she is a woman. Another reason they have given is Krsna closed his eyes because he didn't want to see her form. Then when he was nursed, he took out the life air from her. Then Putana assumed her gigantic form and then fell on the outskirts of Vrindavan. She covered 12 miles of area. Her body was like a huge mountain. Her abdomen was like a valley. Then they burned Putana's body by cutting her body in lots of places. Fragrant smell came on burning the body - because Krsna had touched her body. Putana attained Goloka Vrindavan and she got the position of a nurse as a mother.

wHEN Shukadeva gosvami heard this - alas how fortunate is the sitter of baka who was allowed to be killed by Krsna. Even though she wanted to kill Krsna, Krsna gave her the ultimate gati  in the spiritual world because she had vatsalya bhav - she wanted to feede him. Krsna only saw the +ve in her as she wanted to be my mother. This is the merciful nature of Krsna. Such amazing lord we have.

Putana was the sister of Bali maharaj. She became attracted to Vaman dev and wanted to be mother of Vaman dev. But when Vaman dev tricked Bali maharaj, she became very angry and wanted to harm Krsna. Hence, she became a deamon.

Hence, we should be close to Krsna, because he will overlook all our sins and will take us back home, back to Godhead. Without SP, we didn't get to know all this or understood what these slokas meant and hence this is all given to us by SP. He changed the course of our life. SP changed the direction from hellish planet of our life and allowed us to go back to Krsna. Hence, we should feel very humble and fortunate to have come in contact with devotees only by the mercy of SP.

We can never thank SP enough, we should only reciprocate to SP by reading his books everyday. Our way to say thank you to SP is to follow what he said and only increase it on a regular basis - that is the only way to reciprocate with him. That is the only way by following him, chanting 16 rounds and more, read his books.

Every year we should take inventory of our heart and see what services are we doing for SP and his mission and what we want to do in the coming year.

Jai Srila Prabhupada! 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Run up to Janmastami for next week....

Janmastami Celebrations: Let us meditate on the leelas of Sri Krsna.

Everything around this world revolves around Krsna. So how glorious will be the appearance day of Krsna. It is the most important day of the year for us. This is one day we give to exclusively absorb and chanting and talking about the leelas of the Lord. Most awaited day on this earth is coming very soon and then the next day is SP appearance day and only by his mercy have we known who Krsna is.

Krsna has no reason to come, but only due to do his causeless mercy that what is in store for us and to give us a presentation or a glimse of the spiritual world, he comes exclusively for that purpose. He says in the BG - Yada yada hi.... - the most imp reason he comes is to give the glimse of the spiritual world to the neophotyes. Krsna means, he attracts everything. Rupa Gosvami explains Krsna the name is so attractive that when I vibrate on the tounge, I want thousand tounges, when I hear I want thousands of ears and my heart dances in ecstacy with the love. Krsna gives us the complete solace that he loves us, he is the ultimate well wisher. Krnsa is our well wisher, he means well to us. That personality iS Krsna. Krsna is a very merciful lord, he doesn't want to punish us, he somehow wants us to come out of this temp world and be situated in this happy state of life. Krsna apperared in a very interesting situation. As we know that the end of dvapar yuga when al l the kings were none other than deamons other than just posing to be kings - they were exploiting everybody. Prior to his apperance he makes it impossible for Vasudeva and Devaki. Devaki when she is being driven by Kamsa, her brother's space the akashvani happens. Before that, the fav person for Kamsa was devaki. He loved her so much that he could do anything for Devaki. When he heard that Devaki's 8th child will be the cause of his death. This is a classic example of ppl in the material world. They are very selfish.

Why was the akashvani? Demigods did is so Krsna can come faster to the material world. Another one is it was a wake up a call for Kamsa. Everybody is sleeping - Bhakti vinod thakur is saying we are all sleeping and we need to wake up. O sleeping souls pleasue wake up because you are sleeping on the lap of the witch of maya. We are all sleeping that everything is going to work ouT. Today it's not working out but we are hopeful that tomorrow it's going to be ok. But when we know that we are going to die, then we can take the shelter of Krsna and then we wake up that this is all temporary and it is a wake up call for us to wake up. But what is Kamsa do, he thought he can actually kill the kala. A demoniac person tries to kill the kala - by protecting himself. Hence it was a wake up a call for Kamsa.

When everything is rosy, then there is a lot of affection, love etc, but when they see something is a threat to our sense gratification, they forget everything and they take our everything from theri hearts. Anything that is against my sense gratification that should be taken out of my heart. Sometimes we see that people who aren't devotees are very moral etc, but actually they are not to be trusted. Anytime his mind can change and he can become very whimsical just like Kamsa he loved Devaki and suddenly he wants to kill her. Hence we should be in KC always, otherwise, there is nothing stopping us from us becoming a KAMSA.

Kamsa put them in the prison and the 6 sons were killed and they were the 6 sons of marici and these kids laughed at Brahma. Brahma was once chasing his own daughter for sense gratification and that was Krsna yoga maya to make us understand how the dealings of males and females should be in the material world. This was a Vaishnava apradha, even if a devotee is making a mistake, we shouldn't make fun of him or we will be punished with Krsna. Associating with Krsna is not easy, we should be free from all apradha. Womb of devaki is heart of a devotee. So these 6 were cursed to be killed by their own father. 6 Sons of Marici were compared to the 6 anarthas - modha, maya,lobha,___, ____,_____?. ... Kamsa is compared to the fear of material existence why? because it is very significant, unless and until we as sadhakas understand through knowledge and understanding that this material world isn't a safe place and there is nothing in it for me. I can't derive any satisfaction or pleasure from here. At any time this material world can give me a challenge to be unstable in life. Only when he has this fear of this material world in a positive way, till then the 6 anarthas are going to be in the heart of the devotee. Hence, it is very very imp to understand this is very temporary and evderything should be related to Krsna. Otherwise we are just feeding these 6 anarthas. The fear should be there to kill these 6 anarthas, only then the spiritual master will come as Balaram. Balaram was transferred into the womb of Devaki. Only when the 6 anarthas are killed then comes the spiritual master to give us mercy to see Krsna. Without Guru there is no question of Krsna. He prepares our heart to allow Krsna to reside in our heart. Hence every sadhaka needs to commit onself by seeking a guru, otherwise we want a degree but we don't wan to enroll in a school. How can we get a degree without enrolling a school. Unless we take admission not possible. Unless and until we don't take the lotus feet of a spiritual master, there is no chance to see Krsna. Only then ultimately Krsna appears.

Then what happens - then all of a sudden,everything becomes very clear and our life becomes clear. Appearance of Krsna is not an easy thing. In order for Krsna to appear we need to work very hard. Material world is going to provide us a lot of challenges and only when we don't give up and keep thinking of Krsna no matter what only then when you have so much faith that whatever situation my Lord puts me in, he is doing it for my good. Only when that faith is there, we can give up our anarthas, seek a Guru and then with his help and mercy can we see Krsna.  Then Krsna gives direction - ok take me to Vrindavan. The devotees don't complain, vasudeva didn't complain, I have waited for so long and now you want to go ot Vrindavan. No, he had complete faith that if Krsna wants to go to Vrindavan, then Krsna will take me somehow and he will give all direction and make all arrangements for it. Same thing for SP. SP wants to go to America to preach only Krsna makes all the arrangements. But SP had faith, Krsna wants this so everything happens. As soon as Vasudeva picked up Krsna all the shakles dropped this is BHAKTI.

As soon as you pick up Krsna, all the challenges are driven far far away from Krsna and us. Guards were asleep, kamsa was sleeping and Krsna went to Vrindavan. As soon as you pick up your bead bag and have that faith with determination and not give up despite any challenge, Krsna will remove all shakles and challenges to help us.

Same way everybody in Vrindavan had so much attraction with Krsna, everybody was just chanting Krsna Krsna Krsna and then he put everybody in separation. He performed unlimited pasttimes.  They can actually, we are all thirsty for some pleasure. Our Heart is yearning for some satisfaction and joy and when we give our aural reception to hear about Krsna then the heart is satisfied. Hence SP gave us a great schedule - chant, SB, then in the evening read BG and before sleeping read Krsna book. Sleep remembering about Krsna and then you are eager to wake up to chant about Krsna. So let us not lose this opp and be vfery serious to increase our attachment with Krsna because Krsna is going to be with us always. Because everything around us is temp but only Krsna is going to be permanent.  KRSNA promises us that he is infallible, he is acyuta - he is always there to provide and protect us. He will always carry whatever we lack and will always help us.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

BG 11.5 Summary

BG 11.5: The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, O son of Pṛthā, see now My opulences, hundreds of thousands of varied divine and multicolored forms.

This chapter entitiled Univerasl form, Krsna is going to satisfy the desire of Arjuna. In the gradual progression of living entity trying to understand the manifestation of the supreme Lord, that means not everybody is not able to appreciate Krishna in the Universal form. The supreme lord can be understood in 3 features - paramatma, brahman, bhagavan. But those not at the platform of spiritual understanding for them something very practical (on the material platform) for them Universal form. The 5 koshas - 1. anmayi conciousness only perceive food, 2. pranamayi - living entities, 3. jyanamayi (nistha stage) , 4. vijyanamayi (ruchi stage) and then 5.anandamayi (Bhav/Prema) . So we can see Krsna through many ways, if we can't perceive Krsna through spiritual eyes, then Krsna being so merciful allows us to see him in the universal form which is available in everything around us. This is not maya but it is temporary as it doesn't exist in the spiritual world. Just as material world is manifested and unmanifested, same way Universal form is temporary feature of the Lord.

We want to connect to the supreme form of the Lord - the black Shyamasundar 2 handed form of Krsna. Constatnly we are meditating on that form why? because Krsna is constantly residing in Goloka Vrindavan in that form. The topmost idea is to surrender to Krsna. When we are surrendered to Krsna then that person has no debts because he has surrendered to Krsna and all previous sins are destroyed. Hence, we don't worship Krsna in universal form but at the same time everything you see around you we should remember the shyamsundar form thinking everything from Krsna and his personal feature.

Imp lessons from Retreat by HH Radhanath swami Maharaj: Absorption in our bhakti - Maharaj spoke 4 sessions.

1. Initiation lecture - the imp of initiation 2. Absorption in Bhakti the next 3.

How to be absorbed completely - 3 ways - Absorption means to surrender to Krsna so you can remember Krsna. Absorption means Responsibility. The first step is commitment and responsibility otherwise we can't be in bhakti. To engage in bhakti, the first thing we need to take is commitment so we are absorbed. For pratical devotees is that we should be responsiblity so that fixes our mind. Our mind then gets a goal and what is the goal is to SERVE KRSNA. when we have this goal then we are constantly thinking of KRsna as we are tyring to see in every step how we can be of service to Krsna. The whole idea of initiation is to be surrendered to our spiritual master so we are totally absorbed. When we have a task on hand for our spiritual master, we take is seriously and we have a deadline to finish. And not just finish it but to do it in a way to please Krsna.

2. sENCOND point is to be enthusiastic. Any service to Krsna is to be enthusiastic. If we are absorbed, we are enthusiastic and hence we will be in the mood of seva. Otherwise it becomes boring. Ex - our call - we are so enthusiastic to hear and share about Krsna. That is a sign of absorption. Sometimes we may not be enthusiastic, then we show entusiasm for Krsna not for our personal purposes.

3. 3rd point of absorption is APPRECIATION. We appreciate others. We see everybody as instruments in the hands of Krsna and by appreciation we are absorbed that everybody is connected to Krsna by having the right vaishnava ettiqutte. So please read this manual properly.

Sadhana, assoc of devotees and proper behavior are the 3 shields to protect us from the dangers of maya. These are the 3 factors which will help us progress spiritually. Goal is to please Krsna, Krsna's devotees and then get his prema. Only then can we get the nectar of devotional service.

And SP has given us a very nice way to be firmly fixed in bhakti by deity worship, chanting, assoc of devotees, service Gurudev and then slowly we move from neophyte stage to 2 and 3rd level of uttama adhikari and then go up the latter of devotional service so the aim is bhav bhakti.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Chapter 11: The Universal Form 1-4 Verses Summary (HG Shyamsundar Prabhu)

11.1: Arjuna said: By my hearing the instructions You have kindly given me about these most confidential spiritual subjects, my illusion has now been dispelled.

BG 11.2: O lotus-eyed one, I have heard from You in detail about the appearance and disappearance of every living entity and have realized Your inexhaustible glories.

BG 11.3: O greatest of all personalities, O supreme form, though I see You here before me in Your actual position, as You have described Yourself, I wish to see how You have entered into this cosmic manifestation. I want to see that form of Yours.

BG 11.4: If You think that I am able to behold Your cosmic form, O my Lord, O master of all mystic power, then kindly show me that unlimited universal Self.

So in the 10th chapter, Krishna is talking about him and he mentions that everything is coming from him. Everything is representing Krishna, whether it is high or low. That representation made by Krishna to Arjuna is good enough for him to accept that Krishna is the supreme. He has accepted every word and is believing Krishna. His illusion is now dispelled. So here is the reason to listen to Krishna's opulences. For his pure devotees, his opulences are good enough to wake us up from the slumber and come to KC. When new devotees come to KC, they are said to read SP Lila amrita. Why? How a pure devotee is empowered to do things which are impossible by the Supreme Lord and those illusions are dispelled from hearts of non-devotees. That is why it is greatly emphasized from pure souls and acharyas and by Krishna himself that 1 must regularly engage in listening about Krsna and his devotees.

Nitya Bhagvat sevaiya...nasta badreshu...- By regularly attending classes of SB, all that is troublesome to the heart will be destroyed and when it is destroyed then BHAKTI will start in the heart and that is the sum and substance of bhakti yoga to have unalloyed dev service to Krishna. Every lila, every pasttime of Krishna - everything of Krishna reveals his oppulences to us. The name, says he has invested everything in his name and that is an oppulence that when we say the name everything and hence we should recite daily his name, think of his form and talk about his glories so all the darkness that trouble the heart will be dispelled.

Here Arjuna is convinced, then the natural dev in his conciousness is that he wants to share that wih everybody. He wants the whole world to know who is Krishna. To share this knowledge with everybody he wants to make HIS personality known to everybody as everyone is not willing to hear about Krsna with conviction. In order to dispel the doubts of everybody he is asking these questions.

Now he is curious, he's inquisitive, and he wants to know more information. Show me how you have entered into this material creation. Here Arjuna is asking on behalf of all the living entities. And then he says, if you feel I'm qualified please show me that Universal form. Hence, these 4 verses are the foundation of this chapter and he is very clearly Arjuna is expalining that his illusion has gone and he wants Krishna to show his universal form if he is capable of seeing and help everybody show how Krishna is the Supreme.

Imp to take home - when we are engaged in dev serv properly, if we are truly engaging properly, the result is that we want to do more dev service. For ex - if chanting properly then proof is - after chanting the holy names, we want to chant more. If we are hearing Hari katha properly, we want to hear more. Anything in contact wih Krishna if doing properly, we want to do it more and more and more and forever. That is the proof and gurantee that we are doing it properly. If after the dev serv we haven't got the taste then we aren't doing our dev serv properly. We should understand this and keep in our mind always! Hearing, chanting, our dev serv - deity worship, serving Vaishnavas and that is not resulting in hearing more about Krishna then it is lacking somewhere. After he has been enlightened here Arjuna is saying I want to know more. Not that Krsna you have spoken so much and now I am bored No. He says I want to know more and more and more. In that mood to know more about Krsna he is requesting Krsna please show me your Universal form.

This is an imp aspect of bhakti. When we chant everyday that is our connection with Krsna and we are connecting with him everyday. If we are connected withe Krsna we want to chant more. But because we don't chant attentively, we just are deprived of the great opportunity of getting out of illusion and hence we get stuck. This is an imp principle. How can we get this taste? - REGULARLY HEAR THE PASTTIMES OF Krishna.

Everyday we are chanting the same mantra, but everyday it gives us new experiences and hence the key is regularly hearing, chanting, listening to Krsna Katha is very very important. Unless we are shaken up, and somebody tell us that we are going in the wrong direction, we are totally intoxicated. But Krsna's devotees are so merciful, they tell us that we are going in wrong direction and hence such shocking experiences help us realize that Krishna is the real thing and everything else is false.

Example - alarm clocks are harsh - why? because only if the experience is harsh we wake up, if not we will keep sleeping. Same way experiences in life are harsh, so we can realize that this material world is false and we wake up that this life is very embarassing, shocking, saddening and whatever makes us come closer to Krsna we should take it. If any experience is our life is harsh and it makes us realize about Krsna then that experience is good. We should try to see Krsna in everything in our life.

Some experiences in our life, we feel what's going on? And we should remember that in those difficult situation only thing which should come out of our mouths should be the holy name which will help us. If we want to make progress in spiritual life, we should remember that anyday/anytime death can come and we can die anytime and at that time of death we should be prepared to remember Krsna so we don't come back to this material world but go back home to the spiritual world.  But if we are in the material conciousness we are always thinking, its too early, we will chant our rounds tomorrow, whats the rush, and sometimes we justify our not doing dev service and not jumping on the opportunities we get. So these are lessons which daily the material world around us is teaching us that how imp it is to constantly hear about Krsna and his opulences and glories. And this is actually the only way to come out of illusion as no other talks, no other things will be able to get us out of illusion of this material world. So contantly remember Krsna in everything and anything you do.