
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Festival of Inspiration 2011 Summary

Learning’s from New Vrindavan
1.       Are you being pushed away from Krishna or pulled closer to him? – Laxmimoni-devi dasi
She spoke using an example of a fishbowl, rocks (different sizes) and sand and then asked a volunteer to try putting all the rocks and the sand into the fishbowl. The analogy was this: Fishbowl being our life, the rocks to be the priorities of life and sand everything else. She then had each of us write down our priorities and what are we being pushed and pulled from and then drew from that the difference between materialistic vs goodness in life. She said, If you are looking at Krishna you aren’t looking at Maya, as Maya is the backside of Krishna. Some of the big rocks of everybody there were:
a.       Chant 16 rounds.
b.      Read the BG and the SB
c.       Have a good vaishnava life.
d.      Create a daily log of how time has been spent and then revisit over a week to see what changes you have made.
e.      Minimize your desires.
f.        Reduce the distractions of TV, FB .
g.       Don’t be lazy
h.      Do your karm.
i.         Karm karo, phal ki chinta mat karo.
The theme of what she was getting at was this- Get your Krishna consciousness of who are we? Where are we going and once you understood that we are all souls and this body is material and the ultimate goal of our journey is to go back to Krishna to serve him And the only way to get back to the supreme soul is by doing this: Chant the holy name, read books to get knowledge, associate with devotees, serve devotees, have satsang/kirtans –then everything comes into perspective. Sometimes, you can’t take out some of your rocks and then you need to understand why do you have that rock – is it helping to serve Krishna? Do you fit rocks so they fit together?
We then spoke about how in the BG, nothing really changed – Arjuna had to fight in the beginning and had to fight even in the end, only thing changed was his consciousness of why is he doing what he needs to do (his karma).  Look at all your priorities in life and then consider them if they can be removed. Some are just a temporary situation and some are rocks you just can’t move (Do you recognize the one which can’t be moved?). Remember what Krishna wants you to do, then do it right with all your vigor. But also remember to prioritize your work. She then said somebody asked Praphupad once, how do you know what to do and what not to do – he said 1. Try is 3 times properly and if it doesn’t work out – don’t do it. 2. If you can’t figure it out, ASK SOMEBODY – But try to do it right!
A question for you - What are your Big Rocks of life?

2.       What about your mind? - Arcana Siddhi Devi dasi and Karnamrta das.
They are from Praphupad village and I recognized them the instant I walked into the room. We started with talking about what are the different mind states. People came up with happiness, sleepiness, anger, bored, joyful, stress, jubilant, relief…. So there were both positive and negative mind states. They gave us a math formula O = E+ R; Outcome = Event + Response (Response ability). Then they spoke about the 4 functions of the mind as an instrument.
a.       Chita (or chit in hindi) – is like the HDD – Pure existence. It’s like the collector of everything it sees and feels. The subconscious! Then they spoke about the 4 deities and 4 elements and how these 4 functions relate to them. I really didn’t understand this part very well. If anyone of you knows more about this please share. The element for this was Air (all pervasive).
b.      Ahankara – false ego – diety - Shankarshaan (one who attracts). Examples – aping somebody or licking up to your boss for example.
c.       Manas – impulsive responses. Diety- Annirudah or one who is irresistible, element is water.
d.      Buddhi – Reflective examination. Intelligence. Presiding diety is Prajmnya. Element is fire.
Mind is like a child and you need samskar. They then spoke about functional ego and representative ego. Motto of BG: Be yourself and do your own duty. Bhakti – adds grace.

3.       Bright side – Danvir Goswami
Really enjoyed this one, He started with relationships and how they can be sweet like bees or dirty like flies. He also said it’s important to keep a log on progress. He said in this world everybody is competing with everybody else and trying to show that you are the best. But in vaikunta everybody is appreciating others on how they are serving the supreme lord better than them. Being grateful is based on the gift you give. On how pure your heart is – for examples if you don’t expect anything for a gift given you get more – No strings attached gifts. Being judgmental is OK, but reserve your judgment only if you have complete knowledge. For example, Sofa QB on Sundays! They don’t play the game or even practice and yet are judgmental.  Rukmini – death – balaram killing her (not sure of what I meant with this one!) Do your homework to give a criticism – give facts not based of emotions. Praphupad once said in humor – if giving judgment never put anything in writing!
He then said, it’s important to just mind your own business – oil your own machine. Do onto others what you would like onto you. Look at the bright side of things. Don’t create enemies un-necessarily. Example of Praphupad and monkeys – don’t make friends or enemies with them. Friends they will take everything you have. Enemies they will hurt you! Teacher or a leader is someone who accepts that and somebody who plays their role properly. When incharge be in control as a leader. Ignorance > passion > goodness> transcendental. BG says, who you are and not who you are not. You aren’t the material body.
He then spoke about Depression – It means that you are attached because results didn’t come as expected. So you are stressed which means you get depressed. And if you are depressed you get stressed which is a vicious cycle. To elude depression – get rid of the material body for achieving transcendental knowledge. Example of potter and pot – hallucination – worst mode of thinking. Never be in a dream world, even when you are chanting don’t think of the leelas think of it as a service to the supersoul. Examle of doctor who know diagnosis but doesn’t know the solution. Hence, you need to have the knowledge of both the problem and the solution and delivery is important – Hence the learned.
4.       Gurudas and Shyamsundar das – spoke about lots of stories of how they were with Prabhupad and how he always remains alive in our hearts. I asked the question about if he got angry – Sharmila mataji gave a wonderful explanation. She said he was like an ocean – turbulent sometimes on the surface but at peace down below!

5.       “Mystery Speaker”
In 1970, he learnt from Praphupad that he was ISCKON. He said, don’t be upset with the instrument of Karma – do your work sincerely. Art of receiving.  Excellence has to be expected and it’s a difference from need vs want.
Integrity - is very important. It’s the difference between right and wrong. How do you react when no one is watching you. “If you have integrity, nothing else matters. If you don't have integrity, nothing else matters. The way you do anything is the way you do everything.”
Spiritual –
Teenager – When opulence comes so comes complacency and comfort. Always appreciate don’t expect. Best journey always takes us home. QTR – Quality, Time, Remaining!
A tribute to Praphupad – He stressed on the image you have and show to people.

6.       Yoga of Tongue – Vaisesika Das
Very important to control the tongue and it’s important to conquer the tongue. Praphupad said two things important to tongue – Speech and Taste. You can’t perceive Krishna from the 5 senses but the only way is by satya (truth) – recite the vedas and truthfulness. There is a verse in the Srimad Bhagvatam which is the whole essence of SB, chanting makes the heart melt and also makes you laugh and cry. By chanting one page of SB and BG every day you will grow with knowledge. Math Formula – KK= KC – Krishna katha = Krishna Consciousness.
He spoke about the importance of NVC is the non-violent communication and the austerities of the tongue. Use pleasing words and not flattering words he said. Important things to remember:
Truthful, not offensive words, read vedas. Don’t become like this - “who you are is screaming so loudly that I can’t hear you”. CHAD – Chapter a Day! If one simply remembers the lotus feet of lord caitanya, difficult things become very easy. But if one does not remember lord chaitanya, even things that are easy become impossible.
Inspired by our Sankirtan guide and Mentor Vaisesika Prabhu, we launched this initiative on Sat-tila Ekadasi. In Vaisesika Prabhu's words, the benefits of joining CHAD:

·         You’ll feel impetus to chant Gita everyday knowing that others are doing it with you.
·         You’ll gain superior strength and knowledge in devotional service by reciting and hearing the divine conversation between Krsna and Arjuna.
·         You’ll be cleared of offences you’ve committed in worshiping the Deity.
·         You’ll automatically learn multiple Bhagavad-Gita verses through repetition. (“Repetition is the mother of learning.”)
·         You’ll develop skill in citing important slokas as evidence from Bhagavad-Gita.
·         You’ll awaken a sweet relationship with Krsna Who reveals Himself to those who daily chant the Bhagavad-Gita.
7.       Mrdanga class / Kartala class – How to play it. But we need to get a Mrdanga and practice it. We can discuss what prabhu told us about kartalas.

8.       Radhanath swami Appreciating mothers
Wonderful stories of Krishna, prahalad, dhruva maharaj and others on how Mothers are so powerful, always serve without ever asking anything in return and always want the best for their kids. Hence, be always nice and appreciate and thank and be gracious to them.

9.       All you need is Love – Awakening the mood of spontaneous service: Vaisesika das

1.       Sang two Bengali kirtans  which I found at these links with their translations:
It’s about the sound vibrations that are so important. The person who sings the holy name awakens the soul and is the most dear to Krsna. Should do kirtans and this is written in the BG. VLC – Voluntary life change “SURRENDER”.
Art of management by Praphupad
a.       Generate atmosphere of fresh challenge – fresh is not done earlier and keeps the mind nimble. Find your jaladutta.
b.      Draw out spontaneous loving spirit.
We then discussed how these are achieved. Examples:
1.       More you give love the more you get love. Support and love everybody. By giving loving gifts one becomes gracious and reciprocates. Art of gratitude – “even if you appreciate others you create a bi-directional force that you can go back to Godhead by being gracious” – in the BG important. Don’t remember which verse though!
2.       Set an example
3.       By determinations and knowledge
4.       Be determined to spread the knowledge and the truth
5.       Kirtan
6.       Prasad
7.       Association with “sincere” devotees. Because if you have false devotees you are corrupted too.
8.       Overcome the weakness of the heart to not have materialistic attachment. The more you are attached to Krishna the less you are attached to material world because now you know the truth.
9.       Encourage everybody
10.   Motivate all – penny principal – great real story of how penny donation was asked and what they got back!
11.   Enthusiastic service
a.       Individual
b.      Spontaneous
c.       Voluntary